watching a horror movie with William!

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warning: references to gore (no actual description)

you guys have a stay-at-home movie night. William isn't a big fan of drive-in movies or movie theaters, there's too much chaos. he prefers watching movies in the comfort of his own home, plus it's an excellent excuse to get some more alone time with you.

another issue for him is snacks. he really doesn't understand why anyone would want to eat while watching the telly. he's one of those people who is outraged by the idea of eating family dinner in front of the tv. if you bring popcorn he will be really whiny about how it's stinking up the house.

when he finds out you've picked a horror movie. he hasn't seen very many himself, but definitely didn't expect you to be the type. feeling absolutely delighted that he isn't stuck watching a romantic comedy, he pops the tape into the player. And so it begins.

The movie is what you expect of a typical 80s horror/thriller, poorly done effects and gore, the suspenseful music does have a way of getting to you though, and putting you on edge.

William sees this as the perfect opportunity to present himself as the comforting boyfriend, but you just keep insisting that you aren't at all frightened. this later proves itself a lie as you bury your head deep in his chest during the scary parts.

he loves the attention of course but can't resist teasing you. "it's not real, it's just a movie, c'mon honey." or during the death scenes, "if you don't stop I'll be next, you're squeezing the life out of me sweetheart."  then there's also that awkward scene you both sit through because the remote is conveniently missing.

the only thing more unnerving than the movie is the way William's eyes seem to light up during the gory bits, but you pay no mind to it after a while. maybe he's just more of a horror enthusiast than yourself.  later that night the two of you lay down to fall asleep on the couch. the violent images keep replaying in your head, maybe it wasn't the best choice in film for watching right before bed. every shadow seems to be moving and every noise sounds like something coming to get you.

the kicking and shuffling around so much rouses William, who is stuck consoling you throughout the night. he rather enjoys it though.

it's his turn to pick the movie next time, perhaps he should choose something similar.

(credits to Spring-Bon on Tumblr)

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