Crave: Part Two || William Afton x GN! Reader

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summary: William has you right where he wants you.

NSFW // suggestive

word count: fairly long

warnings: age gap relationship (reader is 19-20 while William is pushing 40), corruption kink, coercion, usage of pet names, Will is a bit of a creep, obsessive behavior, sensual touching, swearing, Michael is briefly in this too, kissing, brief and faint daddy kink, praise, brief mention of bondage, not really proofread

a/n: y'all seemed to really want this so i finally got off my ass and finished it. link to part one


William Afton, admittedly, hated his eldest son. But he did appreciate the fact that he was easy to manipulate.

Michael had always had his mother's heart. Soft. Squishy. Easy to toss around with a bit of encouragement and a few sweet words. It was pathetic, in a way, but William found it hard to care about that for too long.

Especially when it was that soft heart that got Mr. Afton exactly what he wanted. You.

William didn't really give two shits that you were his son's friend. Not in the slightest. Hell, you could be married to the damn president or the Pope himself, and William would still try and get you in his arms. That's just how much he liked you. Just how much he wanted you. And he was willing to do anything it took to get you.

Even if it meant telling you a little fib.

Michael would be away at his mother's that weekend. But of course, William had made it a point to keep you away from that knowledge. He had banned Michael from using the phone all week, and even hid the young man's car keys until Saturday rolled around. This made Mr. Afton's son more pissed at his father than usual, but William didn't care. It was just a few more fights to add onto the week. Michael could bitch and whine all the wanted. It wouldn't sway William's mind.

This was gonna be when William would finally catch you, little bunny.

Michael could go kick rocks for all William cared.

Watching his son speed off out of the driveway and pull away from the neighborhood, William could already feel his pants become tighter than normal, heat creeping down his neck and shoulders. Good, this was all too good. Everything was going according to his plan. Step one was to get Michael out of the picture.

Step two was to now lure you in.

Walking over to the phone hung on the wall, Mr. Afton tried to shift his growing erection in his pants, but to no avail. This made him sigh to himself, his brow furrowing in slight frustration He hadn't even dialed your number yet and was already getting excited. If he was in a different situation, he would've found it to be pitiful. But this was you.

And this was the effect you had on him.

With trembling hands, William held the one close to his ear while he dialed the number to your house. He could feel his face start to heat up as he gripped onto the phone tightly, your number memorized, of course. He wet his lips with his tongue, letting out a shaky breath as he dialed the last digit.

God damn it. He was getting way too excited. Over a fucking phone call nonetheless.

He just couldn't help but fantasize about how it would go. Hearing your sweet little voice on the other end. How you would sound so cute as you wondered why it was him calling you and not his son. Maybe you always secretly wanted that though. Maybe he missed that in the way you looked at him. Maybe he was a fool for not seeing it this whole time. Oh god, he was a fool. How could he not see it? Your pretty little eyes begging him. Please, Mr. Afton. Please, I just wanna hear your voice at night. I miss you, Mr. Afton. You're all I want, sir. Oh fear not, little one. Mr. Afton missed you too. You're all he ever wanted too. He'll take good care of you, he promises. He'll tell you what to do over the phone. His accented voice is gonna tell you to lie down on the bed and imagine him there with you. He's gonna tell you to get undressed. He's gonna-

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