Chapter 17: Tyler's POV

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It has been 4 days since our fight. We are in Louisiana in a hotel, while our driver gets our bus ready for Washington. Her hotel room is exactly across from mine, and there is still tension between us. She still hasn't told me if we have broken up or what. Im not trying to oressure her, Im just trying to give her space.

I share a room with 3 of the guys, and she shares one with Riley and Sophia, one of our old friends.

Aria doesn't come out to any of our concerts anymore. And if by any chance our eyes lock, she looks away.

Im trying really fucking hard to give her some space because I know I was the one who did it wrong.

" Dude. Stop doing that," Landon snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh..yea..sorry. Where were we?" I asked trying to focus on the dilema that the band crew was having right now.

" Pepperonni? Or Sausage?" Asked Trey while holding up the pizza place menu.

Sometimes I think Im the only one smart one here. They are such idiots.

"Just order half pepperonni and half sausage!" My brain felt like exploding.

I walked out of the room and into the hallway, trying to clear my mind of everything. I put my back up against the wall and slowly slid downwards.

" I loved him Riley. You dont understand." I hears her voice say from the other room. The door was slightly open, and it sounded like if she was crying. It would seem that I would know better han anyone when Aria was crying. My heart sank and my fists clenched at the sound of her in pain. Why was Riley conforting her! That should be me. ( That awkward moment when your life is a Jusin Bieber song ) That's it. I couldn't take it anymore.

I quickly got up from the floor and slammed into her room.

As I reached dight of her in the suite, she looked a mess. She had bags under he eyes, her haid looked like it hadn't been combed in a year, and her sweatpants were soaked in tears.

Riley on the other hand was sitting a little too close to her, with an arm around her waist.

" Don't cry baby. Please," I told her in my softest voice possibe. Then ehat I least expected happened.

She got up from the floor and walked up to me.

She stood there.

She might have looked a mess to others, but to me she was still her beautiful self.

She wiped a couple of tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

" I loved you-" she began and I didn't need anything else to leave her mouth.

" I love you too." I said to her and reached out for her face. But she took a step away from me.

The next words that left her mouth stabbed me in the heart.

" I Loved you. Loved, as in the past," she daid it so calmly as if it didn't affect her at all. " and don't bring that crap with me that you want me back. Because I think it's pretty clear that you just want Gaby back."

Earing her say that left me paralyzed.

" Okay." Was all I could manage to leave my mouth.

I walked out of Aria's room still proccessing what had just happened. I shut my eyes as I closed the door behind me, and heard her sobbing again.

Returninf back with the guys, I tried to gocus on the conversation and oretend lile.nothing had happened. But that's just it... Something did happen.

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