Chapter 12

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       Telling Tyler all of my past made me feel closer to him in a way. Everytime we talked, I knew that he understood me better than anyone in this world. I think I was falling in love with him.

                  No I couldnt, I told myself.

       I guess i was. From that day on all he did was take care of me, in a way i can't even explain. he would volunteer to take me out, ask if i wanted anything to eat. He was the perfect gentleman. My heart began racing everytime that i saw him.

         unfortunally, with his concerts going on we couldn't see eachother that often. i went back to school, which was really boring. It was one day afterschool that i got on the bus and i saw a very familiar face sitting in my usual seat. Tyler.  " What are you doing here?!" i half yelled half screamed.

  " well i wanted to surprise you, and see what a normal life is like"

He got up and let me take the window seat. He then sat down next to me. he got in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. his legs were close to his chest, resting on the seat infront. naturally i did the same. we stayed in that position for awhile without talking. he just starred at me while i looked at my phone. " Can i help you with something?" i finally said. getting irritated by him being quiet.

       " You just look so flawless and perfect sitting there," that totally got me even crazier.

  i let out a chuckle then proceeded checking out my instagram, twitter, and other social media. As i was scrolling down my page, hid hand went up to my hair and began carassing it. That was when i couldnr hold it in anymore and laughed my ass out. we were both crowched down on the seat. he told me about his family and how he didnt get to see them much. and i told him about my plans for college.


       he was now leaning into me. i was getting ready for a big passionate kiss. but my bus driver had other plans for us. he turned on the bus lights and when we both looked to see him. he was starring at ud in a suspicious way. Tyler explained to him that we were just hanging out and that nothing out of the normal was going on in his bus.

when he turned around to head back to me, i was laughing so hard that i think i was getting abs at that moment.

    the bus came to a stop and we got out. some of the girls came over for autographs, and gave me some death glares. but after that we walked over to my house. this was the most romantic moment of my life.


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