The Tbirth tof Timmothy Tinklebuckle

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Tina Ticklebums was a hooker, though literally attached to her near identical but not quite twin that shall not be named for the purpose of abiding by the restraining order. Please send help i have discovered a pipe bomb in my mailbox

Ms. Ticklebums was like "Fuck you twin !!! you pito mc double !!!!" and unattached herself from her twin whom of which will stay anonymous for the reason that there is a pipe bomb in my mailbox. The police are near. I don't have much longer

Tina soon found a fellow tumor whacking off in the corner of a Spencer's. Of course, as any logical person would do, she paid him to jar his jizzy jizzy so that she can send it to that fucking middle school so that they can sell it to children as milk (she did this as a job in the side since she hated kids). The dude was like "that's hot I guess" and they fucked 2 seconds later in 2 seconds violently in slow motion. How tumors fuck, I have no clue. While walking out, Tina started gagging and barfing and shidding and pissing everywhere y/n style.
"Oh shit I'm pregnant maybe" she realized within like Idk -2 seconds? cokc

she ran home at top speeds violently in slow motion and went to the pool that this house has I guess🗿. she climbed up into the 2625267353637828229929292920928292829278253735272527626241431313131572828289393030938373664647301000110010193838838277263653538387366382827272686837537537355735 foot diving board and jumped into the water. Basically she was trying to abort the fetus. it failed and she started crying cutely.
"what's wrong hooker?" the whom of which unnamed twin who is anonymous because there is a pipe bomb in my mailbox asked the -- fucking tumor.
"i-i-i-iji-i-ii-ii-ii--iii-ii--i+i-ii-i-ii-i---i-i-i-ii-ii-i-i-i-i--i-i-i-i--ii-i-i-ii-i-i-i-i..........................*..*..$:#'+&#7&" 7$& "75#" Tina Ticklebums began y/ n style, "I'm pregananaganat and shit, i need to abort this clump of cells ?!!!???"
" i mean I have a plan b in the medicine cabinet, you can literally take that. you don't need to make all this mess"
"You're right I'll just push it out and give it to the fucking uh the baby daddy !!!!!!!!!"
"🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿" the anonymous twin whom of which is anonymous for the reason that I have a pipe bomb in my mailbox replied to this absolutely abhorrent response.

Basically Tina Ticklebums pushed out the fetus along with a couple other vital organs such as; the kidneys (there was a third kidney), the liver, the prostate that she doesn't have, the eggs, the lungs, the entire ribcage, the large intestine, the small intestine, the esophagus, the chleoacha, the spinal cord, and a bag of mixed vegetables. She named him Timmothy Tinklebuckle because she fucking hates kids, especially this kid in particular. After -8 seconds, she realized she didn't know where her baby daddy was it even who he was.
"smh I sold his sperm to the local middle school dairy department and he dboes this to me ?!??!?!!b!??!?s!d!fmdmndkdbgd??!!?!!ugvd?!?!?n!??!khbeih!!!!??ygvdihbdiusg" she cried cutely y/n style . Timmothy literally fucking spoke bc op gacha story and said "dont worry hooker I'll find my your baby daddy." Tina kept crying cutely violently with boigers .

I hear sirens. my time is up.

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