chapter one

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disclaimer: referring to joseph (quinn) as "joe" from now on and joe keery is just gonna be "keery" unless stated otherwise



May 2022

The day of the Stranger Things season four premiere was probably a big day. For both Jonalynn Rosales and her now boyfriend, Joseph Quinn. The two met on set while Joe Keery had brought her to visit while they were in the middle of filming. Surely, Jonalynn was already invited to the premiere by the Duffers, but the couple decided to go together as one pair.

The pair started dating a week after they met, and haven't gotten into any huge fights since then. Jonalynn started visiting their show's filming set less frequently due to other things to film, in which she had to head to the United Kingdom to film for the latest Doctor Strange movie. Everything was flowing pretty well according to the both of them, and they both couldn't wish for anything more with each other. The couple was happy.

Surely, it must've been a weak connection at first but everything has changed since then. Jonalynn had already won her first Oscar, while the Stranger Things fandom went batshit crazy when Joseph's character pictures were released to the public. Then both fandoms went batshit crazy again when paparazzi pictures of Jonalynn and Joe strolling in the streets of New York City and Brooklyn.

However, it wasn't like their relationship was a secret. Private, but not a secret. Everyone knew the young superstar was happily in a relationship with her so-called 'underdog' boyfriend who was going to star in the newest season of Stranger Things pretty soon. At least that's what every article about her relationship said about them. Always calling him the underdog that nobody knew about. Jonalynn just waited for the day that the new season would come out so that he would finally get the fame he deserved and that people can start calling her boyfriend by his own name.

Jonalynn sat in her high-end hotel in Brooklyn, as her stylist, Molly, was getting her Stranger Things themed custom Chanel outfit ready for her day-long of press. Her boyfriend was in the room too, already dressed up, and waiting for the girl's stylists to finish with her makeup so she could finally get into her jumper and make their way to the limo taking them to the facility where all press would be happening.

"So, how's my dearest holding up?" Joe snuck up behind Jonalynn, who was sitting on a chair nearby, scrolling endlessly on her phone. He gently squeezed her shoulders, like a light massage or shoulder rub, before he dug his face into her neck to kiss her.

"Stop, you're gonna ruin the hair." She found herself giggling like an idiot, trying to push her boyfriend away from her personal bubble.

"Sorry, I just can't help it. Big stuff today." Joe's British accent seethed through his words, reminding Jonalynn's one of the many reasons she fell in love again. "Just promise me you won't leave my side tonight."

Jonalynn looked at him like he was crazy. "Why would I? Unless you plan on spoiling the season, I might." She laughed, playfully teasing him.

"No, I can't and won't do that." Joe chuckled to himself, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Good." The girl firmly stated before planting a kiss on Joe's cheek and playfully pushing his face away so that she could get ready. "Now leave so that I can finally get changed."

"You think I don't want to stay for that?" He chuckled again, teasing the girl to her own embarrassment.

Jonalynn just stood up from her chair and pushed him out of the room in response to her boyfriend's games. "No, thank you. Try again next time!"

As she walked over to the clothing rack that her stylist brought in for her to get her press outfit, Joe was still facing the other side of the door of their 2-room hotel's bedroom, smiling to himself, thinking he was the luckiest and happiest man on Planet Earth.


The premiere was alright for the both of them that day. Everything went smoothly with no inconveniences. The cast did their general interviews and press events on the stage while Jonalynn was backstage, in the waiting area, patiently waiting for all of this to be over.

It's not that she didn't want to be there, she was just tired from all the pictures and the lights flashing from the red carpet event earlier.

Even then, the girl had no problem being out with the press. After all, she was super stoked when she realized that this was the place where her and her other half would make their first public appearance. The two had never made their event or red carpet debut anywhere after being together for one-and-a-half years, so this was a big thing for the both of them.

Other than that, she's been having a blast with the rest of the cast. With the Duffers catching her up on things, meeting up with old friends like Keery, Finn, Maya and Caleb, Jonalynn felt like the old times again. It had been almost three years since she made her appearance at the last red carpet premiere for season three, so she felt like this event was exactly what she needed at a time like this. Surely, the girl had other occasions to attend like award shows and her own red carpet events, but something about today made her feel like she belonged, especially with her one and only at her side.

While she was backstage, she had a good ear for listening in on the many things that the cast had to spill about the new season. She listened in on the details about who might die, she listened in on whose performance was mind-blowing this season, she listened in on debate between who had the better hairs: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, whilst giggling to herself when she hear Keery respond with "I think Eddie. Have you seen that wig?"

Just as things were getting boring for the young actress, she was almost on the verge of falling asleep when she felt a figure sat right next to her on the sofa she was sitting on.

"Hey, Joni." Finn sat on the opposite end of the couch from his old friend, nervously rubbing his hands together.

"Oh, hey, Finn." She said meekly, looking at the boy who she had once was close with.

"Long time no see, huh."

"Yeah." Joni nodded her head in agreement. The two were pretty close back then when he was filming season three. Finn always considered her like the older sister he never had. She was like his caretaker, always there for him when he needed her. She would even talk to Finn's older brother, Nick, about his anxiety issues, trying to make time out of her schedule to help him whenever he needed it. But when Joni gradually got more famous, it was like she never had time for him anymore.

Finn didn't have anything against her for that. Finn knew that this was how the industry worked. Surely, people grow out of friendships, like how Joni did with her friendship with Finn, but they both shared a silent agreement that they were on good terms with each other. But the girl always remembered how close they were before everything changed and it usually almost pained her every time she saw him around.

Maybe she thought something was wrong with her after this whole situation, or maybe it was truly her fault. But one thing that she knew wouldn't be able to change was how the industry and the public treated her, allowing her drift off from one of her closest friends. They praised her like a Hollywood goddess. She wanted to make sure it would never happen again. That she would leave someone who needed her if Hollywood ever treated her like that again.

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