The final boss battle

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After the train crash, wolf woke up, his vision was blurry form the crash.

He gets up and sees they were in a room called the playcare.

"Ah" he rubs the back of his head the the others regained their conscious.

Piranha opens his eyes, he looks to see his shirt was tear open on his right arm and a cut, he grabs it then he looks down to see webs, she was still unconscious.

"Webs!" He made a panicked face as he turns her around.

There was a bush on her head mad a small cut letting out some blood, then when he presses his head on her chest, he was relieved to hear she was breathing.

"Oh thank gosh" He lefts her up and carried her away in a bridal style.

Then as wolf got out of the train, he saw their was a tear on the right side of his suit and there was a open scar on his ribs.


Then the others came out, snake got up and rubs his head.

"Oh boy" he places his tail on his head as shark pulled himself.

"Ah" he hissed in pain as he felt a pain in his knee, it turned out he scraped his left knee.

Diane jumps out and touches her arm as she felt had a cut and scratch on her left arm.

"Ok we need to find another way out of this place, is everyone here" wolf says as he does a roll call.

"Uh yep"

"I'm here"

"Right here"

"We're here"

"Oh good" just then wolf realized something, "wait where's princess"

They looked around to see she was gone, "princess" wolf calls to her.

But she was nowhere to be spotted, "ugh that doll must've took her"

"I told ya there was something suspicious about that doll" snake said.

"Come on we need to find princess, we can't leave without her"

They run in the playcare where it was a large playground.

As they wondered around, webs finally regained consciousness, she looks around confused then sees she was being carried by piranha.

"Piranha?" When he heard her voice his face lit up as he looks down at her and smiles.

"Oh webs I'm so glad you're okay"

"What happened" webs asked.

"The train crashed and princess is gone, and now we're searching in this place called the playcare, I have no idea what is it but I'm hoping it might help us find princess"

"Okay? Can you put me down now I think I can walk now"

"Huh uh okay" he puts her down, she trembles from the bad crash as piranha catches her hand and helps her up.

"Are you sure-"

"I'm fine-"

"I could carry you if you want-"

"I'm fine really"

She saw he was getting closer to her, "okay" he smiles at her.

Then behind the playground was a large case of stairs, leading to a office.

After climbing, wolf steps inside the office to see more splattered blood, paper scattered everywhere, to was like a monster invaded the room and in the back in the center of the room, was another tv with a violet VHS.

THE BAD GUYS IN: playtime poppyWhere stories live. Discover now