Heading back to the game station

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When they left the facility store, they walked around the hall.

Heading back to the game station, it was like traveling in a maze

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Heading back to the game station, it was like traveling in a maze.

They then eventually came across another lift when they saw a red light glowing.

They past by a poster of kissy Huggy running on a treadmill: healthy bodies healthy workers.

They stared at the lift, "so how do we get back to the game station" snake asked.

"Why don't we just take the lift" wolf says.

As Shark hits the red button with the green hand.

But nothing happened, he hits it again and still nothing happens.

He gets frustrated and starts hitting it rapidly with his fin, but still nothing.

"Ok now what do we do now" snake asked.

"Easy I'm working on it" shark says as he looks around, he sees a charger on the wall.

He hits it with the blue hand and he stretches it around a electric pole

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He hits it with the blue hand and he stretches it around a electric pole.

Then as he steps on the lift, it takes them up, "HA! See I told you I was on it" shark says.

Then it stops, "ugh give me one second" shark jumps off to try again.

Meanwhile webs still felt awkward about what happened in the facility.

She avoided to look at the fish she just made out with, she felt embarrassed, she was the one that kissed him first not him, he was just caught up in the moment.

She then rest her head on his chest to hear the rhythm of his heartbeat.

They say when you hear someone's hear beating, it's the most beautiful sound you ever hear.

And to webs, piranha's beating heart was her music, her soundtrack, her playlist, her remix.

She smiles softly as she presses her hands on his chest to feel his chest.

THE BAD GUYS IN: playtime poppyWhere stories live. Discover now