Chapter 19

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Your body ached from the rough sex, ass sore from being smacked so many times. Venable's hand came up between your legs, making you softly speak. "K-kitty." You whimpered, cum oozing from your cunt and lips. Venable got up, ears perked in worry.

She got started on a bath and had Mallory bring in some champagne. Once delivered, you were brought to the bathroom, laid gently in the soothing water with a glass put in your hands. Mallory grabbed the ruined sheets, her eyes wide in disbelief. "How is this even possible?!" She whisper-screamed in bewilderment to you. "I don't know." You gave a weak smile, passing out in the bath.

When you woke up, Wilhemina was laying beside you. She was exhausted, out like a light. You headed her warning about touching her, not wanting to feel like a living fleshlight for at least an hour. You soon got up, getting dressed and heading to the dining room for supper. There was no more cubes and someone new was at the table. He had shoulder-length blond hair and reminded you of Scar from the Lion King. "You must be the brave (Y/N)." He greeted, smiling. Oh, I don't like you. "Charmed. You must be..?" "Langdon. Michael Langdon, Antichrist and your savior." He gave a cocksure grin, making you retract your hand in mild disgust. His arrogance made you nauseous, making him awkwardly notice and drop the cocky attitude. "Where is Ms. Venable currently?" His demanding voice turned meek, almost as if he didn't know how to talk to you. "Asleep. She's exhausted from the season." You explained, your voice strong. "The leader of Outpost 3 is asleep?" He teased, his voice dropping as you whipped around. "Listen here, Mr. Langdon. You may be the Antichrist, but I do not tolerate any besmirching on Ms. Venable's name." You hissed, walking to the room.

Wilhemina opened her eyes, grumbling. She was alone in bed, but she could hear you and someone chatting. "When I open this door, you will speak to her with respect. Antichrist or not, you are to learn basic human decency." Ah, that's my girl. Sitting up and covering her body, she saw you and a blonde man come in. "Hello, Ms. Venable. Your lover here was just telling me how splendid you are." He introduced himself. "My name is Michael Langdon, leader of The Cooperative. I have a proposition for you."

Venable was in Langdon's new office after you spoke with him privately, sitting in a chair. You were to stay out, though from her understanding you were a part of this deal. "When I heard of your Lycanthropy, I thought I was dreaming!" Langdon laughed softly, clearing is throat when Venable didn't laugh. "I was hoping that... We could turn Outpost 3 into a Werewolf Breeding site." He offered, Venable staring in disbelief. "Excuse me?" She hissed, her fangs exposed. "Do not expose your f-" Venable stood up, slamming her paws onto the desk. "And what about my lambs!?" She ordered, catching herself. "Your... Lambs..? Oh, your residents! You see, they will be selected for repopulation, but you... You're powerful, you're one of the last werewolves. If you were to transform (Y/N) and breed with the last remaining werewolves, I can ensure you and your kin will be safe within this Outpost." Langdon offered, smiling.

Breed with other werewolves? Venable glared at Langdon, shaking her head. "My genitals will not get anywhere near theirs." She hissed. "How about Artificial Insemination? I honor your loyalty to your lover and I will respect your wishes to not breed physically. However, with this you will ensure the future of Lycanthropy and Humanity." Langdon offered, gently taking her clawed hand into his. "(Y/N) agreed to the breeding project, she said it would be an honor to bear your litter." Langdon reassured, smiling.

Venable left the office, her fur prickling with anger. Who does that Playboy Wanna-Be think he is!? She couldn't help but shake with rage. Is he going to try and take my beloved away from me?!? When Venable saw you, she pulled you into a hug. "You agreed?" You asked, eyes wide with excitement. "Only if I do Artificial Insemination." She whispered, a new worry in her mind.

How do I turn you into a werewolf?

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