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After what happened to Soobin a few days ago Yeonjun had been a lot more careful. Which also meant he stayed away a lot more than he would have liked too.

Soobin was growing awfully tired by the day, his chubby cheeks had thinned and his once healthy body was now skinny and bony, he barely ate or drank. He passed out almost one a day which meant he'd be hit a few times for 'slacking off' he was on the verge of giving up, but the world had other plans.

He couldn't die even if he wanted too.

Reason number 1. His parents are still out there.

Reason 2. He couldn't. Like seriously how was he supposed to do it when he was constantly pushed to the max everyday, he didn't have the energy to even try.

"Soobin?" Beomgyu called out from the darkness.

He replied with a small hmm which sounded more like a grunt.

"I know times are hard on you right now, but you just gotta push through it okay" beomgyu was trying his hardest to be supportive. He could see soobin was breaking more and more everyday and without the help of Yeonjun anymore he was deteriorating by the second.

Soobin wanted to respond. He wanted to tell Beomgyu everything was fine and he'll get through it. He wanted to thank him for being there with him every step of the way.

But he just couldn't.

He'd lost all hope. He couldn't open his mouth to form words anymore.

He couldn't get up and hug him because the sores and blisters on his feet were too painful to walk on.

"Well...goodnight" Beomgyu frowned after getting no response.


Yeonjun awoke at 8am. He could already hear the workers outside. Sadness washed over him as it did everyday. He moped around as he get ready for the day ahead. He dragged his feet down the stairs were his father was waiting for him.

"Yeonjun I have some wonderful news!" His father smiled.

Yeonjun raised an eyebrow showing he was listening.

"I'm leaving on a business trip with Mr Kang. And expect a few visits from taehyun now and again. The boy gets ever so lonely"

Yeonjuns mouth was ajar.

He then slowly turned it into a smile. "Hurray"  he said sarcastic

God he hated taehyun. The boy was just plain rude and disrespectful.

"I'll be gone the entire week. I'm trusting you with these slaves DO NOT. Let me down. Understood?" His father instructed.

Yeonjun simply nodded his head. "Yes father"

"You're excused" his father told him before exciting the hallway.

Yeonjun let out a frustrated sigh before entering the garden.

They had a small lake round the back of their house and Yeonjun liked to sit by himself and think there.

It's where his mother always took him.

"Oh mother. What do I do?" Tears began to form at the waterline as he bent down.

He placed his fingers in the water and lightly brushed the liquid. "Soobin is so sweet and handsome he doesn't deserve this life mother"

A tear dripped into the lake as he spoke. "I don't want taehyun to meet him. He's already horrible to beomgyu what's he going to do to a fragile soul like soobin"

He sighed trying to control his breathing. "I Don't know what to do mother. I just miss you so dearly, father doesn't understand like you did."

After a few moments rest, peaceful birds chirping and the sweet melody of running water, Yeonjun calmed down and headed back inside.

He spent the rest of the day not doing much. He didn't bother to greet or even look and soobin. He just couldn't.

He ate his dinner with his father before leaving once again.

He really wished he had a relationship with him. But they never saw eye to eye.

In the world Yeonjun saw light and his father saw only darkness.

Where Yeonjun saw positivity and kindness. He saw only negativity and cruelness.



I'm absolutely loving this story!!

I have all of it mapped out in my head

Are we ready for more?

On a scale of one to ten how much to we rate each character?

Until next time x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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