Chapter 2

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Part 2

-Y/N's POV-

The girl went to sleep but i was still up wondering what is going on. During the night, it started storming and branches were hitting the window which kept me awake. I got up and decided to look around.

"You shouldn't be up. It's night time." The girl said.

Since things are hitting the window, Ethan thinks you are messing with the window and you hear him walking back to your room so you get back in your bed before Ethan sees you.

Ethan opens the door and looks around the room and sees the both of you asleep. Ethan goes up to the window and checks it again and you realize he's done this too much, he's trying to tell you something. You see Ethan look around again and you barely open your eye to see he's not wearing his shades and you saw he has black eyes instead of his blue/green/hazel blue ones. He leaves the room.

"Go to be now or you'll be in trouble." The girl said.

You see no need to look at the window while it's dark and the girl is here so you just stay in bed.

The next day

Everyone was up and eating breakfast, Ethan had gone somewhere, the girl you met was sitting on the couch with a laptop. Jack and Mark are at the kitchen table talking and you wanted to tell them that Ethan was still being odd about the window in your room but who could I trust here? Mark and Jack said they were trying to escape so I guess I can trust them but the girl maybe not.

Jack and Mark were whispering things back and forth as you walked into the kitchen.

"How about the dog door?" Jack said.

"Do you think my muscular frame can fit through that small doggo door?" Mark said.

"All the windows are plexiglass, and they don't open." Jack said.

I thought about why Ethan would be checking the window in my room if the windows don't open.

"Maybe there's a window in the attic or something." Jack said.

I told them about the window in my room.

"If all the windows are plexiglass, why does Ethan keep look at the window in my room? It's like he's trying to tell us something." I told them.

We all look at each other and in a scurry we all run up to my room and start moving the window and looking at it. Meanwhile, downstairs,the girl is still looking at her laptop, she didn't seem to care, probably for the best. Ethan probably went to the warehouse to record a video so you had time.

"Why do you think he was messing with the window? Isn't it plexiglass?" Mark said.

"Well we've never been in here long enough to look, and that girl has been here longer so wouldn't she had noticed something?" Jack said.

"I think this window might be a little different than the rest of them." I say.

Jack looks on top of the window, noticing that the nails were hardly visible. If someone were to unscrew them, then it might open.

"I need a screwdriver." Jack said.

"Here you go." Mark said, handing Jack a screwdriver.

Me and Jack look at Mark very concerned of why he happened to have a screwdriver.

"Why do you? How do you? were you going to shank Ethan?" I said.

No... Well you never know if you need it to open things..." Mark said suspiciously.

"Whatever, we got to move!" Jack said.

Jack starts to undo the screws from the window.

Meanwhile, that girl had walked by the door and saw what we were doing, she runs down stairs and calls Ethan, that's right she's on his side, but I don't believe Ethan is evil or mean.

"That's right, they figured out the window!" The girl said on the phone with Ethan.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, try to stop them." Ethan said on the phone.

I close and lock the bedroom door knowing she would try to stop us.

Jack only needed to undo two more screws. Me and Mark are freaking out.

Jack finally undoes the screws and lifts the window up. All of us get through it and walk in the roof, we look down and noticed how far a jump it is. I look over and noticed a large tree by the roof and knew we could use it to climb down. You look over to see the other two talking.

"Are you ready to jump? I don't know if we're going to make it or not. But I want you to know... That I used your electric razor to shave my..." Before Mark could continue the sentence, I interrupt.

"Guys! There's a big tree over here, we can just climb down it." I say.

They both agree on your plan. All of you climb down and are safely on the ground.

"So, what were you saying about my electric razor? What did you shave?" Jack asked Mark.

"Not important." Mark said. We all look around, trying to find a way to leave the yard fast before Ethan returns. Jack looks over and sees Ethan's other car by the garage, so we run over to it and try to open the doors, thankfully it was unlocked and Ethan had his keys in the driver seat. We all get in and drive away.

"I promise Ethan, I'll return to help you." I said to myself. Meanwhile, Ethan came back and saw you and the other two were gone.

"How?" Ethan said to the girl.

"They figured it out, and I think you don't have as much control over him like you think, somehow you were giving them clues to escape without realizing it." She said.

"I will get them back, and I have control over him... Ow, no." Ethan said holding his head... He was trying to keep control.

To be continued???

I have no ideas for a chapter 3 to this, any ideas will be great.🥰

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