Volume 2: Vecna's Curse

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Y/n's POV

I looked down blinking a lot as I tried to get used to the bright light. Eddie was still asleep, I checked my watch and saw it was 11:30 am. "Fuck..." I whispered to myself because I was gonna meet up with Dustin and explain what's happening. I felt Eddie shift, then I heard him groan. He sat up slowly "Hey." He jumped turning his head to me quickly. "O-oh! Hey..Why did you know where I was?" "I'll explain in a bit okay? But right now I have to find Dustin." "Why?" "This situation, okay." "How do you know my situation?" "I'll explain everything soon." I walked out before he could ask me any more questions. I drove to the blockbuster knowing Dustin would go there first. "Dustin!" I yelled as I walked in "There you are!" He yelled back "I know where he is. And I'll let him explain, but he's innocent and something is back so we need to go." "Where is he?" "Reefer Rick's place." "We we're just about to look that up." Robin groaned because she wasn't able to show off her smarts "I know what your plan was and I'm proud." I smiled at her. "Just follow me." I walked out of the place and got in me car. I looked behind me as I drove and saw Steve's car following me.

When we got to his house they started to investigate the house while I walked to the boat house next to it. Eddie was nowhere to be found. The others soon joined me, "Where is he?" Dustin asked "Obviously, Y/n just took us to a dead end." Max said quietly. I turned to her in annoyance "Wasn't reefer Rick technically your idea?" She sighed and looked away. Max never liked me for some reason, which sucked because I thought she was pretty cool. The tarp went flying and Steve was against the was a broken bottle to his neck. "Eddie!" I yelled he looked to me then back at Steve. Dustin and me calmed him down and got him to put down the bottle. He was explaining how she died, and Dustin looked at me I mouthed a small 'I told you'. He turned back to Eddie "We've been in situations before and we've been able to stop them so if something is back we need to know." He nodded then looked to me "This still doesn't explain how you knew where I was and how you knew what my situation is." I took off my jacket showing off my tattoos. I had gotten sleeves of tattoos to hide my numbers but they were still there. I pointed to my wrist where the numbers were "What does this have to do with your tatts?" He asked before I could explain "I got these when I was around four years old. I was raised in a lab and we were numbered instead of given actual names." "What about your name?" "It's on my birth certificate, given to me before I was brought to the lab." "How many are you?" "There were 18 but now there are two. But I'm the only one who has my powers, weirdly enough." "What're your powers?" "Most of ours were the same, but I can change reality. But, the way I found you was in something called the void or nether that I use to find people. And when Chrissy died it immediately put me in the nether. I saw everything." He nodded and looked down. "Wait-"Can we move on." I interrupted him, the lab was a touchy subject. Especially, when I've been having weird flashbacks. "Yeah, let's get back to talking about this shit. Alright so there is an alternative reality that is the same to ours but has creatures in it. Sometimes they bleed together." "Did you see any dust particles?" Max asked "No, I-but Chrissy looked to be a sort of trance or like she was under a curse." "Vecna's curse." "Who's Vecna?" "An undead creature of great power." "A spell caster." "A dark wizard.".

As he spoke my head began to get floaty. Little moments and images ran through my brain. It looked like a murder scene, a pain surged through my body it felt as if my bones were twist. "Aah! Fuck!" I hissed out before completely blacking out.

A few seconds later everyone was around me. "Y/n! Can you hear me?" I nodded "You okay?" I nodded again "Your nose." Steve said pointing to his own. I wiped the blood off with the back of my hand "I-I think it happened again.". Steve's eyes widened and he let out a broken 'Oh' Eddie sat there confused "So you know when this happens?" "I guess.".

Around an hour later Steve drove everyone home. Eddie sat next to me in silence "You should go home." He said staring at me "I'm not leaving." "Please, you need to leave, you need to get sleep." I rolled my eyes. "As I said before I'm not leaving." "Y/n please. I will get on my knees and beg." My face heated up at the thought of him begging for me to do anything, and on his knees no less "Last night you were begging me to stay." I smirked, he just sighed "Y/n, I love you but you can't stay. You need sleep-"I can sleep here-"No, go home!" I groaned finally giving in "Just please. Be safe." I walked of over to him wrapping my arms around him bringing him into a quick hug. "I will." He responded before I walked out of the house carefully and into my car.

Once I got home I immediately changed into some sweatpants and took off my shirt before flopping on my bed. "Ah shit.. he was right. I need sleep, and sleeping sitting up on that wall definitely hurt my back and neck." I rubbed my neck with my hand before curling up trying to sleep. I had felt as if I was a sleep when a bright light woke me up. I looked around confused, it- it was my old room. I walked to the door to check if it was locked, it wasn't. My hair felt shaved again and my gown was back on. I walked into the hallway looking around when I felt someone next to me "Someone was tired." My caretaker said with a smile. He was always my favourite, he helped me with Dr Brenner when he would yell at me before even if I did nothing. This caretaker was my friend "H-how?" He had died when the rest of them did. "How what?" He leaned down a little to come face to face with me. I don't remember being this tiny "What the fu-"We don't say that word here." His face shifted to one of curiosity and confusion "Where did you learn that word?" I looked around and saw the rainbow room. "You got quite the beating yesterday so Papa let you sleep in." My eyes widened, Brenner had only done that once and it was one of my most memorable moments. This is a memory. The caretaker flashed from his normal self to one covered in blood. All of a sudden I saw red.

I jolted out of my sleep panting. I felt tears on my face, I brought a hand up to wiped them off. When I had looked back at my hands my brain stopped it they weren't tears but blood.

A/n I know it was written a little weird. Also I'm gonna have the Reader be 006 so let's forget about canon Six and replace him.

Dumb Metal Heads (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now