Chapter 15 (6-9-2022)

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The group used the dream world to play laser tag, an idea Robbie had. After it became apparent that Ford wasn't really having fun they decided to do the fish thing again. Ford was having a hard time imagining himself as a fish so he just imagined scuba gear.

The four were counting colorful fish and looking at beds of coral. "Oh this one is so cute." Venessa says.

Greg smirks a little bit. Venessa was smiling again. He had not seen her smile in a long time and damn it was contagious.

Robbie didn't realize he was also in a constant smirk watching her.

Ford on the other hand was just kind of shrugging at everything. Eventually he had the idea that he wanted to be researching creatures instead of fish when he began to think about what kinds of weird creatures lived under the water. He started imagining different kinds of weird sea animals.

A seal with hair, a sea lion with a mane, a fish with a dog face, and accidentally a loch ness monster.

Venessa was making flowers underwater and Robbie put one in her hair behind her ear. They weren't paying attention to what Ford was doing.

Greg looked up from some corals and saw a monster behind Stanford getting ready to eat him. "Oh!?! Erase?!" He yelped. The water all disappeared and so did the monster.

The four hit the ground once everything was gone. Robbie reimagined the coral flower for Venessa.

Greg huffs. "You have to be careful what you imagine here. If you get hurt then you will get hurt for real."

Ford nods. "Sorry I was thinking about creatures, I can't help it."

Greg looks over at his sister, her and Robbie are laughing and hadn't even realized they'd been in danger. "I think we lost those two." He glances back over at Ford. "You're into creatures? How about something a little safer?" He imagines a monster in a cage.

Ford looks at the creature. It was a bear that was like a mole, or was it a mole that was like a bear. "Moleman?" He says.

Greg nods. "They eat bugs mostly but due to their size they often attack people. They try to avoid light under normal circumstances but since this is all imagined it doesn't matter."

Ford surveys the creature. "Is this normal size?"

Greg nods. "Yes they get as big as an adult bear. They don't weigh as much unless they have eaten." He puts his hand on the cage and the thing growls at him. "I heard you had a mothman. Molemen actually eat mothmen."

"Where did you here about that from?" Ford questions.

Greg crosses his arms. "Actually didn't hear so much as saw. I was there when they captured it. Nessa has changed a lot since meeting your family. You might not have noticed because you don't know her like I do, but trust me she is different. when you've known somebody for 300 years you can tell."

Ford nods. "Robbie is different too. He was a punk when I first met him. He is getting better though. Stanley was telling me stories about him and Wendy when they were kids. How Robbie used to terrorize the tourists at the shack. Always playing harmless little pranks and shooting people with water guns."

Venessa and Robbie seemed to be in their own world talking about creatures and adventures. The dream world around them keeps changing from beaches and forests and rivers.

Ford looks at Greg. "Since those two are busy, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Greg frowns slightly. "I guess, but why?"

Ford imagines a comfortable chair to sit in. It reclines. "I'm curious about witches. It's Not everyday you get to have an intelligent conversation with a creature."

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