Darkness Falls 2 (Chapter 12)

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Back at the mansion. Greg and his mom go to the trailers of creatures and open them all up, setting free all the animals that had been caged. When they get back in the house they find Devon banging on the basement door demanding to be let out.

Greg opens the door and Devon takes a step back. "Oh it's you."

Devon breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm glad it's just you and not Jean. Did he come after your group?"

Greg nods. "He did. We kicked his butt." He steps aside. "Did you want to get out of the basement?"

Devon nods and steps past him. "Yes thank you."

Greg looks around. "Guess we'll have to do something with the rest of these guys." He says realizing there were a handful of hunters still unconscious on the floor.

"Oh yea... I'll help you move them outside. Devon says grabbing a nearby body and trying to drag it up the steps.

Greg just floats them out using magic.

Devon chuckled. "I guess that works." He then looks around and a slight glow sparkles on his fingertips and the guy lifts off the ground and he's able to get him up the steps.

"So you have magic after all." Greg says realizing this person had just used the same floating stuff spell.

Devon nods. "My father was a witch." He replies with a grin. "I only stayed with the hunters because Jean was like my family. He doesn't know about my magic. I've been hiding it from him for years. I thought I was the only one until we came here and I saw your whole family. I didn't want to hunt you but I couldn't convince Jean not to harm you."

Greg nods. "I understand. Hiding among those who would prosecute you must have been a challenge."

Devon nods. "It was. I'm glad it's over now."

Greg walks the unconscious guys outside and sees his mom opening the trailers to let some molemen out. By this time the set was already at its lowest point before getting ready to disappear beyond the horizon so it wasn't dark yet but it also wasn't very bright.

Once everything was set loose they put the hunter in the cages.

"Let's see how they like it." Greg chuckles to himself.

Trisha turns towards Devon. "So you're a witch as well. Do you know many spells?"

Devon shrugs. "Not really. I haven't practiced much before because I was afraid that Jean might find out about my gift."

"Well I guess we'll have to teach you then." Greg replies, sort of laughing. He turns towards his mother and nods. "That explains why Jean knew so much about hunting and creatures."

Devon frowns slightly. "I do regret that my telling Jean about magical items might have been what set him on his current path. I have so much to atone for."

"Well I have a feeling we won't be hearing from Jean for a long time." Greg smirks. "What a nice end to a perfect series of events."

"Still I kind of feel like we forgot something." Devon says placing a hand on his chin. "Oh well I'm sure it's nothing major."


Jean is alone in a concrete room with only one small sliver of a window to let light in. He is sitting on the floor cross legged angry at the witches for outsmarting him and mad at the town for being stupid.

Jeff Cypher slipped in through the window. "You lost."

"Did you come here to rub it in or did you actually come to help me?" Jean grumbles.

Jeff chuckles and floats over to the door. "I could let you out but you'll just get arrested again. You failed your own mission. Even after all the help I gave you."

"Letting you lead me here was a mistake." Jean mumbles. "Convincing me to turn that young man into a monster was also a mistake. Had they not become so powerful I would have succeeded."

Jeff nods. "They became stronger than I had anticipated, but it wasn't a complete waste. I'll get my revenge on the pines family eventually. I'm just not sure you're the one to help me anymore."

"I think the problem was we went too big." Jean mumbles. "We had too many people involved. We should have just done it separately." he replies. "If there weren't so many elements involved I'm sure we'd have succeeded."

"What we really need is to fight fire with fire." Jeff replies. "We need to get a powerful magic user to fight these other powerful magic users." he snaps and a door appears. "And I know just where to go to get one."

"What do you mean?" Jean questions.

"I mean." Jeff says, opening the door. "You can enter this place and become the powerful witch we need to defeat the powerful witches, or you can stay here in this prison."

Jean thinks about it for a moment. "I detest witches, but how else will I get back at those who have wronged me." he thinks for a moment. "Alright let's go." He steps through the doorway and Jeff follows.

(all the hunters are going to jail eventually.  it doesn't matter how they get there. stay tuned for darkness falls 3!)

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