Darkness Falls 2 (Chapter 11)

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(All personal effects such as phones, wallets, and keys had been taken by Jean but were recovered during the escape. I just forgot to write that part.)

Inside the mystery shack Justin is resting in the back area. Vanessa healed his injury but he was still covered in dry blood.

Robbie was pacing back and forth with his hands over his ears.

Dipper had woken up, got some food from the fridge and said he felt better now. He is now sitting on the floor watching Robbie pace back and forth.

Vanessa and Greg are setting up protective charms outside the shack.

Trisha was laying on one of the mattresses. she was in a resting state but still unconscious from being forced to sleep at the house.

Stanford was working on fixing the memory ray.

Trisha sat up slowly and looked around. "How did I get here?"

Ford stands up and walks over to her. "I brought you here. We had no place else to go. careful, even with magic you'll likely be felling really dizzy still." He helps her stand up.

Trisha looks around the room. "We got away. How?"

Ford frowns slightly. "Well Dipper and Robbie got injected with monster blood and they turned into monsters." He says. "Then they used their crazy monster strength to bust the cages."

Trisha looks at Dipper who was sitting still watching Robbie pace around. Then she turned and looked at Robbie. "Oh dear."

Robbie hadn't stopped pacing since they'd got there. His mind was swimming with new smells and sounds. He was trying to distract himself from the thoughts but they kept creeping up on him. Everyone around him just smelled so good. 

"He looks about to go mad." Trisha says. "Have you got any juice?"

"Yes there should be some upstairs." Ford says.

Dipper hears her ask for juice so he runs upstairs quickly. He grabs a juice box and brings it back to her and smiles. "Here you go ma'am."

Trisha stares at Dipper for a moment. "You seem tame for a wolfman. How did you learn to control it so quickly?"

Dipper shrugs. "Well I almost wanted to bite those hunters but I was just really hungry. I ate some sandwiches and now I feel better."

"Oh I see." Trisha opens up the juice box and smells it. "Lot of added sugar in this apple juice." She mumbles. "That's ok, the sugar particles will just have to be removed." As she's doing whatever it is to the juice she looks at Stanford. "My children are upstairs putting protective charms around this place, correct?"

Ford nods. "They were both sure the hunters would come looking here and they wanted to put up protective measures."

She nods. "There we go." She holds her hand up and it now has a small pile of sugar in it. "That will make this next step easier."

Ford hands her an empty coffee cup from 2 days ago. "You can put that right here."

She nods and drops the sugar into the cup. "Much appreciated."

Ford smirks a bit. "You are very welcome."

Dipper looks between them. Because of his animal senses he could kind of see like a sort of spark between the two. He raised an eyebrow because it was the same sort of spark that Vanessa and Robbie had and he didn't really understand what it meant.

Trisha takes the juice box over to Robbie. "Here, drink this."

"I'm a bit old for a juice box, don't you think?" He replies. He can smell it though. "Wait... that's not juice what is that?"

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