Darkness Falls (Chapter 6)

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Venessa and Robbie earlier that day followed the tracks of the truck they had seen in the woods. They followed it all the way deep into the forest and when they did they came across the abandoned summer camp ground.

Robbie smirks. "Oh I remember this place!" he says. "When I was little my parents brought me here to spend the summer. It was here I met all those people that would eventually become my buddies. Tambry, Justin, Lee, Thompson, and Nate." he smirks at his fond memories. "Shame they shut the place down."

"Why did they shut it down?" Venessa asks.

Robbie shrugs. "I heard it was because a troop of kid scouts went missing after going on the hiking trail. They suspected a bear attack but they never found any bodies."

Venessa frowns slightly. "That's awful. What are kid scouts?"

Robbie shrugs. "A scam I'm pretty sure. Mostly it's just kids in uniforms that sell cookies once a year and the rest of the time they do activities like learning archery or making play-dough out of cornstarch. They earn badges if they do good."

"Were you a kid scout?" Venessa asks.

Robbie frowns kind of embarrassed. "Nah they told me I didn't qualify." he shrugs. "But Tambry, Lee, and Nate were kid scouts."

"How do you not qualify?" Venessa questions.

He shrugs. "I don't know. Probably because they were scared of me." he looks around. "There is an unusual amount of activity. Maybe they are restoring the camp?" The two sneak. Around behind a building to observe the goings on. They see a few small trucks and some big simi trailers as well as some campers. "That's odd, it looks like these people are living here." he observes. "I wonder what's in those trailers?"

There is some growling and banging coming from one of the trailers.

Nearby there are also several empty cages and containers. A stack of cages containing several Gnomes was stacked up near one of the semi trailers.

"Creatures." Venessa says in shock. There were animal pelts strung up all over the camp in various places, and pools of dried blood everywhere.

"What madness is this?" Robbie asks, taking in all he could see.

Venessa growls because she knows what they have found. "It's hunters. Just like Westwood back in the time I'm from. They capture and torture creatures. We have to do something to help them." she says. "We can't leave them here."

"We need help." Robbie hisses. "We can't take on this whole group alone. We need back up."

Vanessa nods. "Ok let's go get Greg and Dipper." She turned around and realized they had already been spotted. "Damn." she mumbles.

Robbie turns and sees the guys standing behind them holding rifles. "Um... hello?"

One guy laughs. "We thought you idiot kids were a couple of bears." he grabs Robbie by the back of the fur coat he was wearing. "It's just a couple of teenagers." He looks at the guy standing next to him. "What do we do with them?"

"They've seen too much." the other says. "We'll feed them to the vampires."

"Vampires?!" Venessa says, startled. "Tha... that can't be." she thinks hard for a moment. Vampires had been hunted even more than the witches back in the day. She had figured they were extinct because she had never seen one.

"Hope you kids ain't afraid of the dark." the other one chuckles, grabbing Venessa. "Won't matter though."

Venessa jabs her elbow into the one's stomach and slips out of her coat then she turns towards the other guy who was holding Robbie. She was going to trip him with a vine she could have grown under his feet but he had Robbie in a choke hold now and she frowned. "We're outnumbered."

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