<>Chapter 01<>

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"Aubree! Stop! I'm driving!" Carter said, pushing me playfully with his free hand. I laughed and pushed him back, making sure to not throw him off track. We looked at each other, both smiling. "I love you," He said.
"I love you too." I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"You know, after we go shopping for your prom dress, we can get ice cream."
"Really!?" I loved ice cream, and he knew that. I was also so happy we were shopping for my dress together, not only so I had some back up, but so he knew what colour tux to buy. I would've brought my mom, cause she would've made me get something that resembles a box. And if I brought Jacklyn, my best friend, then she would've chosen something showed more skin than fabric. Carter knew what I liked, and he would know what to get me.
"With sprinkles too?" I could already taste the sweet vanilla mixed with the rich chocolate topped off with crunchy sprinkles.
"Yess!" I leaned in and kissed him again. Smiling at him. He looked over at me and smiled back. I loved him so much. I gazed up at him, since he was a few inches taller than me.

His auburn hair was cut neatly, and put in the latest hair style, like it always was. His blue-hazel, the outer part a bright blue and slowly sinks into a calm hazel, eyes twinkled in the sunlight. A smile played on his lips, making him look carefree, which he was.

I pushed my brown locks of hair out of my face, my blue eyes bright. I fixed my glasses thinking about them, I tend to do that a lot. I didn't know why Carter liked me, he seemed to be much more popular than me, I was the quiet one who sat in the back of the class. I always had a book with me, in fact, I think we met in the bookstore. He bought me a book, and we just clicked.

Carter turned his attention back to the road. I opened the book sitting on my lap, and started reading. It's about a girl in the future, who lives underground in a controlled society. She's different from everyone else, and that's not good. Then she finds some other people like her, and they help her out. So far it's really good. "How's your book?" Carter asked, looking down at it. "Really good. I'm almost done." I said, smiling up at him. He smiled back.

Carter glanced back at the road, and saw a deer. He quickly swerved out of the way, and over the guardrail. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The car flipped, over and over again, causing my glasses and book to go flying. Until a tree smashed through the windshield. I heard the driver's airbag inflate, as pain shot up my leg, and through my arm. And there was even more pain in my chest. It felt like every last bit of air was squeezed out of my lungs, and replaced with fire. Every time I breathed in, the pain shot through me. Turning my breaths rapid and short. I didn't dare look down to see what happened. The tree through the windshield was evidence enough. My vision went even more fuzzy than usual without my glasses. I felt bile rising through my throat.

I was pressed up against the passenger window. Pretty sure a branch was through my leg, and twigs scratched at my chest, arms, and any skin that was exposed. My sweater was sticky, for some odd reason, and I couldn't seem to move anything. I looked over at Carter, who was limp against the air bag.

I hazily saw blood trickling from his mouth, but my mind couldn't comprehend what was happening. I faintly heard sirens in the distance, and the closer they got the more fuzzy they grew. I saw a light in the corner of my eye, and looked up at it. I stared steadily at the light, then the bile came up, and I vomited. After a while, I heard shouts.

I looked away from the light, which only grew larger. I saw people trying to get into the car. They must have gotten the door open, because I came tumbling out. The vomit all over me, getting in my hair and making my favourite sweater smell. More pain shot up my leg and arm, and my chest was consumed with the pain. I looked up at the blurry people fussing over me. The light in the corner of my vision grew faster. My thought was, "what about Carter?"

More shouts, but they seemed to be getting farther away. I looked up at the people carrying me, and then the light took over my vision. I could not feel their arms anymore, nor the pain in my arm and leg and chest. Everything was numb and white.

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