<> Chapter 02 <>

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I woke to a harsh beeping sound. Something was down my throat, and my leg and arm were heavy. I opened my eyes to see a plain white cast on both of them, and tubes going through almost every body part I have. Down my nose and through my hands. On the inside of my elbow and connected to my chest. There was a wire over my heart, leading to the machine producing the harsh noise.

Flowers and stuffed animals littered the tables, filling the bright white room with bright colours. No one else was in the room, and on a whiteboard in the corner I saw my progression sheet. Scribbles were here and there, and when I realised I couldn't see what they said because I wasn't wearing my glasses, someone else came in.

She was petite, with bright blonde hair, that was up in a bun. She wore scrubs, with little pictures of ducks on them. She wasn't wearing a lot of make up, which showed her beauty even more. "Oh! You're awake!" Her voice was high pitched, almost like my mother's. I nodded, because I couldn't speak with the tube going down my throat.

"You must be feeling better." She said, checking my machines. I watched her movements. "This is gonna feel really weird okay?" She spoke to me like I was a child, I didn't know if I liked it or not.

She started to tug on the tube in my throat. She was right, it felt extremely weird. When she was done, she continued to busy around my hospital bed, flipping switches and checking tubes and wires, untangling some of them. She took out a brush and brushed out my thick hair, then asked, "how are you feeling?"
"Fine." My voice sounded raspy, and it felt weird. Almost like my mouth was stuffed with cotton and my vocal cords were made of rock. "That's good. Probably the pain-killers."
"Where's Carter?"
"Who?" She tilted her head, as if to hear me better.
"Carter. He's my boyfriend. Where is he?"
She pursed her lips. "Carter Wilson?"
I nodded.

Any expression she had before that melted. Her face turned into complete sympathy, and in that moment, I realised the last thing I wanted to realise. "Honey... Carter Wilson died in the same car crash you were in. We found him right next to you. He was dead on impact. I am so sorry."

Tears started to well up in my eyes. Then took about .5 seconds to spill over. "I'll let you be." The nurse said, and left the room. I wiped my eyes with the hand that wasn't in a heavy cast. Wiping the tears away with my sleeve, I remembered Carter's carefree face. I smiled, it didn't feel very convincible, but smiling sometimes helps. I can't just forget about him, as long as he stays in my mind somewhere, it's like he never left.

A flash of a memory went through my head.
"Be careful!" Mom said from the front porch.
"I will!" I called back. My first time walking to the park alone. I was so excited. I took the sidewalk, knowing I would be safe there. With a bit of a skip in my step, I kept walking. I heard other kids behind me, but I didn't think much of it.

Then I heard "move!" Screamed into my ear as I was pushed into the road. I twisted my ankle the wrong way, and it hurt when I tried to move it back. Only one person came up to me.
"Are you okay?" His kind blue eyes looked down at me, as he held out a hand for me to take. I nodded, and took his hand to get out of the road.

My ankle flared in pain when I tried to put weight on it. "Do you need help?" The boy asked. I nodded again, holding back tears. "Where do you live? I can bring you home." He asked. I told him where I lived, and he helped me to my house.

When my mom saw me she freaked, and thanked the boy a lot. Before he left, I asked him for his name. "Carter," he said, "Carter Wilson." He said, smiling, then jumped off the porch.

We were both ten when we met. That Monday, when he saw me on crutches because I had twisted my ankle, he apologised a lot. He even got the other kids to apologise. He also helped me with all my stuff, I thought he was just being nice, cause I didn't really know anyone in my fourth grade class, but I don't really know now.

I wiped at my moist eyes again, and fumbled for my glasses. I put them on my face, and sighed when the room became much clearer. I looked down at the heavy casts on my leg and arm, and bit my lip. Carter Wilson is dead.

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