[4] Diagon Alley

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It was around midday when Hermione ran into my room saying that we were going to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies. I wasn't quite ready to leave the house yet so it took about 10 minutes and then we left. while we were in dads car with him driving and both Hermione and I in the back we opened the list of supplies mine read:


first year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. one pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. one winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags

I turned the page and read the second half stating all the books and other equipment I would need. Also stating that first years couldn't have there own broomsticks, presumably for flying is what I thought as I knew a magic school wouldn't have students cleaning with broomsticks and if they did surely they would have supplied there own. 

Hermione had also told me not long before than about what Diagon Alley was, and I was defiantly grateful or I wouldn't have known what I was in for when we got there. I would say it was one of the most crowded places I had ever been in.

We first went over to a place called Gringotts (Hermione told me that was the wizard bank) and we exchanged 'muggle' money for wizard money so that we could afford things there. I very quickly learnt that 1 galleon was 17 sickles, and 1 sickle was 29 knuts. I wanted to stay there forever and admire the goblins, Hermione thought I was weird but for me it felt like i had just entered another one of my school friends book and I was loving it. 

We than went over to Madam Malkins robes for all occasions and I got measured and got my robes, as well as all the other uniform items on my list, apart from the Dragon Hide protective gloves. We went and got a cauldron than went to flourish and blotts  and got everything we needed from there and over to Ollivanders to get a wand. Of course Hermione didn't need to get a wand because she already had one but she still came along with me so I wasn't lonely.

It was a massive process to get my wand I ended up going through 5 different wands and the 6th one was the one that 'chose me' according to the old wizard in the store. The pattern looked quite alike to Hermiones wand but instead of the vines sticking out of the wand they were engraved into it.

It was made from spruce wood with a phoenix feather core and had a sturdy flexibility that was 11 ¼ inches long.  On the vines there were a couple if small flowers as well and it was a very  neat wand. The wizard in the stores last name was actually Ollivander but I only figured it out after we exited the shop.

Hermione than said we had one last stop even though we had already got everything of the list from what I could see, she told me to cover my eyes (which not going to lie was a bit scary in a place that crowded but I did trust Hermione so I went along with it) she lead me to a separate part in an even louder area and it was filled with sounds of animals, the traditional pet was an owl or toad but they had a couple of cats and small dogs. I had always been one for dogs so I decided to get one after dad said I could. Before making my decision on which one to get I asked Hermione how big the rooms are that it would be staying in, she told me it depends on the house I am sorted into but it really doesn't matter as it is a large space no matter where.

I ended up getting a black and white 3 year old French Bulldog with two different colored eyes and named him Frankie.
We were done and had everything so we went back home and I got the little dog set up in it's new home for over the holidays until I went to Hogwarts.

I know it's not a really traditional thing to have dogs at Hogwarts but in 'Hogwarts a mystery' they had dogs as some of there pets so I went with it.

Here's what I imagine Frankie to look like but once again you are free to imagine him anyway you would like

Here's what I imagine Frankie to look like but once again you are free to imagine him anyway you would like

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