[5] The Big Red Train

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Sorry if you are getting sick of me I'm just going to tell you now we are in present time (well present time in the golden trio era) not Esmi looking back anymore so it should all be in Esmi's perspective of the present time, also feel free if you want to point out any spelling/grammar mistakes and I will defiantly correct it, as well as in any past chapters if you really want.

~Lil' Time Skip to in the train~ (Sorry you didn't get to see her enter the train/platform 9 3/4 but I was stuck on how to write it.)

And here I am now, sitting on the train in a compartment alone, Hermione in the compartment 3 doors before me sitting with her friends most likely having the best time of her life and I'm here still alone yet again listening to laughter fill through the rest of the Hogwarts Express. Well I lied I'm not completely alone I've got Frankie but he's running around in circles chasing his tail on the floor. Sometimes I wish that I could be as happy as a puppy all the time. Looking out the window once again I see little spots of rain forming on the window and dark clouds starting to cover the whole sky. A few tears slipped out of my eyes but I wiped them away and decided on going on a little walk to see if anyone else was sitting alone that I could maybe chat to before we got to Hogwarts.

Walking out the door I started to regret my decision but it was a good decision I ended up finding myself wandering into Miones train compartment and she was alone. It was just the start of the trip to hogwarts if i was being honest but i though her friends would have been there already. Going to see her ended up in mt favour because i managed to figure out how i could make a couple friends, i thanked her on the friendship advice and went wondering of.

A very what i would call Special person was slipping into a compartment up ahead. She had very white blonde hair and looked aboit zoned out, i figured it might have been because she didn't know who to talk to, so i followed her. After about ten seconds i knew she definatly would be bullied at school and i mean so would i to be honest  so who was i to judge. Becominv friends woth someone on the first day was definatly not a bad idea so i got talking to her even more. 'What do your parents do for work' i quizzed her

'My father Xenophilius is the editor of the Quibbler' she replied in a dreamy tone drifing of into her magazine again. The blonde girl with the name of Luna was definalty different to people i have met before but then again i hadnt met anyone else going to hogwarts other than the big clan of red heads.

'So what does your mum do' I asked curiously

But by the time i had gotten around to asking her she was practically  in her own world looking around in all different directions, I didnt want to distract her from what she was doing so I said goodbye. This went unaknowledged as she most likely didnt hear me and i left going back to the compartment i was in before

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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