Chapter 16

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I walk up to my locker and open it. I close it and there stands Amanda and her squad of 2 girls who are freshmans but should be juniors. Ugh. The school's popular girl. She will ruin your life and then some. She's the reason why I don't trust school people. We were best friends in middle school but she ditched me when she became popular.
" Hi Vicki." Amanda says.
" I'm Tamerah to you." I snap.
" Ow. Snap snap." Amanda laughs.
Her friends laugh behind her.
" So what's up with you and Matt? Are you guys still dating?" She asks.
Matt comes up behind me and kisses the top of my head.
" Yes Amanda, go away please." Matt says.
Amanda squeals and then storms off. I turn to face Matt.
" Hey Mattsauras." I say.
" Hey babe." He says.
He kisses me.
" I can't stand her." I say.
" Weren't you guys best friends?" He asks.
" Yeah but popularity was more important to her." I sigh.
" That sucks. I had a friend like that. But he would try to steal my girlfriends. But he hasn't stole the best one." Matt kisses me.
I can't believe I did that to Matt. He's the best boyfriend ever.

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