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Cliche Tropes

I don't know how many times I've come across the same sorta fic, especially in the teen fiction/ adult fiction genre like seriously. They are absolutely the same with just different names and slightly different preferences, I guess. 

Well, they are the same old; good, nerdy, probably bullied, definitely excluded girl who has just the one best friend(probably quirky and one who often drags the protag off to a party she definitely doesn't want to be at) falling for the ridiculously good-looking bad boy/ star quarterback/ team captain who either sleeps around too much (and is demeaned for it, like come on dude we are in 2022) or is an introverted douche who is only ever mean to the protagonist. 

Come on guys, let's not stereotype people. And don't say no, this is exactly what you have been doing. Apparently the popular girl (ya know, the queen bee) always has to be the literal manifestation of The Mean Girls and has to be obsessed with the male protagonist (like that's a given otherwise who is going to create misunderstandings then). A girl who is popular can also be nice, friendly, someone who has good grades, aspirations to get into a good college/job/ be well established etc. The protagonist who is shy, probably with top of class marks can also wear something like a cute jeans or skirts or maybe a nice summer dress. She can also be bold or like sports or I don't know actually like maintaining her appearance? 

Let's get to werewolf stories now. Why do there have to be so many rejection stories? (f/m or m/m or f/f) Like can't there be something like a very sweet alpha loving their intended regardless of their rank, status or their gender? 

And why does the past have to play so big a role? Like the girl's(or the guy's) family has to have done something to the their partner's family for which the said partner has to (absolutely!) throw a fit and break up or something with the protagonist. I mean, come on guys, we say that we not the doers of our parents mistakes, then why should our partner be blamed for something like that?

 And then the equally weird justifications for "the best friend's" actions. Like, just because we need a good friend by the protagonist's side so that the said person could bemoan their fate in their presence, we are going to look past all the stupid things they have done that hurt the protagonist? Toxic relationships need not be romantic, they can be platonic too.

And then adding children everywhere in the middle. Are books fucking soap operas too now? Drama, we need more drama to the point that the characters' IQ sinks below the sea alongside all and any sense of self dignity on the protagonists part that was so heavily highlighted in the beginning.

Guys, stop trying to drag your work out. Sometimes, short and tasteful is all that is needed for a particular topic. Doing too much may just drag everything down and become far too monotonous for even you to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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