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As Wanda was helping America with her training and Strange kept going back to get Wong's advice, Ben kept working out and learning how to cook with Khonshu as his guide.

"I cannot believe I have changed from this almighty god to your cooking teacher." Khonshu groaned as he watched Ben look at the recipe with a confused expression.

"What exactly measures up as I pinch?" He asked the god.

"Oh my, why did I have to be paired with this idiot." The god groaned.

"A pinch as in like a pinch of the flesh." He murmured as he stir in the ingredients.

"Why did you have to find my ring?" The god asked in an exasperated tone.

"Because I was an idiot to think that it was interesting which it's not. It holds the world's most whiniest god." Ben retorted as he tested the food. "But I wouldn't have met Wanda so thank you for that."

"What smells so good in here?" Wanda asked as she and America walked in.

"Ben here is trying to cook." Khonshu teased.

"Hey, I haven't burned the cabin to the ground have I? No so I think that calls for a celebration." He smirked at Khonshu.

"Well we shall see how it tastes before we celebrate." Wanda smirked as she kissed his cheek. Ben couldn't help but smile at the red head before him before he turned back to his task

Wanda watched him attentively before Strange returned.

"How is she coming on with her training?" He asked Wanda

"She is getting there." She told him with a smile.

"Well she needs to get there faster. The longer this takes the closer the Scarlet Witch gets to her." He groaned angrily.

"Well she is still a kid. You can't just push her off the roof and she'll instantly learn to fly." Wanda told him irritated.

"Wanda, she needs to be ready now." He told her sternly as he approached the witch.

"Not everyone was taught the origins of their powers Stephen. I never had anyone to teach me. America hasn't had anyone to teach her either. She is an orphan, she has never had the help and understanding that you have had." Wanda told him.

"Seriously Wanda. Not everyone was an experiment." He told her.

"Hey!! Don't you ever say that to her again or so help me god. If you don't like Wanda's methods than you take time out of your precious schedule to teach her then." Ben told Strange as he towered over the caped wizard.

"It's ok Ben." Wanda whispered as she rested her hand on his arm.

"No it's not Wanda. He doesn't get to come in your home and speak to you like that. The Kamar Taj have always been about respect and loyalty and he isn't showing either." He told her as she just smiled and nodded at him knowing he isn't going to let it slide.

"Well I will get back to training." America said timidly as she stood behind everyone. Stephen motioned for her to follow him.

"Not until you have eaten. Come on dinner is ready." Ben said as he kept his stare on Strange who scoffed before looking away. Wanda and America followed Ben to the table which was already set for the four of them.

"So how are we going to defeat this Wanda?" Ben asked as he finished eating.

"I honestly don't know. She is corrupted by the Chython and the darkhold and will stop at nothing to getting the twins back." Stephen said as he wiped his hands.

"Well why don't we go to her. She isn't going to expect it. Once America is confident with her powers, we take the fight to her." Ben said as everyone looked at him.

"That is actually a great idea." Strange smiled as the others nodded. "But we don't know where she will be."

"She will be on Wundergore, the Temple of the Scarlet Witch." Wanda stated. "It was created as an opus to the being who will bring chaos to all living things."

"Well we go there." Ben said as he cleared the table.

"You will train until sundown, and then we will figure out a time we will leave." Strange said as he led America outside.

"Thank you for earlier." Wanda whispered as she stood beside Ben.

"You don't need to thank me. He should be lucky I didn't punch him into next week." Ben told her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"But still, no one has stuck up for me like that since Pietro and Vision." She whispered as she rested her head on his chest

"Well I will always protect you Wanda. Always." He said as he kissed her head. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled before she kissed him passionately. As she looked in his eyes she couldn't help the unsettling feeling that something might go wrong.

Another cheeky chapter for you guys. Were getting closer to the fight approaching. Let me know what you guys think

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