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Daneel was growing at a fast rate. She was now the size of a 2 year old at only a few months old. Wanda was sat with her playing in the grass making daisy chains as Ben cut up some fire wood as the nights were getting colder. He smiled as he heard their daughter giggle at some of Wanda's magic. He loved seeing them both together  and so carefree. Especially the smile on Wanda's face that has appeared since the birth of their daughter. She seems happier than she was when it was just the two of them and that is all he wants for her.

"Why don't you take a picture it will last longer?" Khonshu spoke making himself known after a while.

"Where the hell have you been?" Ben asked the god.

"I was at a hearing with the gods." He spoke tiredly. "But still you should propose to her."

"With what ring? She deserves to have a ring and a nice proposal. Not just a marry me." Ben spoke irritably as he chopped up some more wood.

"Well you do have a ring. The very ring that called to you. It was forged by chaos magic therefore it shall be the ring that binds you both together." He spoke as Ben looked at the ring on his little finger.

"But it will be too big for her?" He spoke confused.

"It will shrink to her size. It is the talisman that ties the Moon Knight and the Scarlet Witch together. It is written that together they will either bring Chaos or peace to the universe." Khonshu spoke as he looked over at Ben. "So you best give her that ring." He stated.

"I will. I need it to be perfect because she is everything that I have ever wanted." He told the god as he watched Wanda and their daughter play in the grass. When it came to the child's bedtime, they both tucked her in before they both retreated to the porch with a cup of hot tea. Ben seemed extremely nervous because he hasn't been able to take her on a proper date while they are living in the mountains. They cuddled up as they looked at the stars that they could see through the branches. "Have you ever noticed that tree branches never touch each other. It's what makes them alive because even though their roots are so close to each other their branches still grow out and let in the sunlight for the lower ones. It's like they know each other and what they need to live." Ben spoke as Wanda just giggled.

"You are a nerd Benji." She said as she nudged his shoulder making him roll his eyes before she kissed his cheek. "But you're my nerd." She whispered before she cuddled back up to him. He decided that this is the best time that he is going to be able to do it.

"You know you mean a lot to me right?" He started nervously causing the witch to look at him with a confused head tilt. "God this is so hard. What I mean to say is that I never thought that I would ever find someone that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until I stumbled across you. Well I literally fell for you." He said as he tried to get his confidence up. "You saved me that night even though I was a stubborn bastard. You let me stay and helped me recover and I got to know Wanda the girl, not Wanda the ex Avenger who is all over the internet. And I fell in love with you the more I got to know you and I still fall more in love with you every day. Seeing you with Daneel, the way you both are and that smile that you have now. It is one of genuine happiness and it is my favorite thing to see besides your eyes. And I would love to see that for the rest of my life. So Wanda will you marry me?" He asked her as he got down on one knee and held the ring in between his thumb and finger. Wanda had tears running down her face as she nodded her head frantically. He slipped the ring on her left ring finger before she gave him a hard passionate kiss before they moved to the bedroom to celebrate without trying to disturb their child.

Agatha had managed to perform a spell to get a location on the witch's power. She frowned when she saw that she was in the middle of nowhere in Romania. She smiled at Vision who stood there waiting for her to start with their plan although Agatha wanted to take what mattered the most to Wanda away from her for imprisoning her in that dead town.

"So, you go in first and see your Wanda and you will have your precious time with her before I have a private word with her." She spoke with him as he just nodded unknowing her true intentions. They both started their long journey across the globe to Wanda not knowing that she isn't alone.

The next morning, Ben got up with Daneel and prepared their breakfast as Wanda lay naked in the sheets. She woke up to the sound of laughter before she got up and made her way into the kitchen to see Ben and Daneel covered in flour and pancake mix. She couldn't help the smile on her face as she made her way over to the pair.

"We made breakfast sweetheart." Ben smiled innocently as Daneel just smeered some jam over his face making Wanda chuckle.

"I can see that you have tried." Wanda smirked at the pair as Daneel laughed at her Daddy's face. Wanda took the child from him before shooing him off to get showered and changed as she sorted out the toddler before setting her down in her chair before waving her hands and cleaning the kitchen as Daneel just clapped her hands together. Ben walked out and gave Wanda a kiss before they sat down to eat together as they laughed at Daneel. Wanda soon picked up on a presence that she hadn't felt in a while. She stepped outside and noticed a white figure approaching her. She had her wiggly woos at the ready to fight. When they stepped closer she tilted her head as she saw Vision.

"Vis?" She asked shakily as her powers returned.

"Wanda Darling." He smiled at her as she was hurt.

"So you remember everything?" She asked him angrily as he just nodded.

"I do. I needed to give myself some time because all of those memories from the moment I saw you from when I came out of the cradle to the moment Thanos took the mind stone from my head. I remember hearing your scream in desperation and sadness before I woke up and was ordered to come to Westview." He spoke as he walked up close to her. She couldn't believe that he was here after everything that had happened.

"You could have followed me when I left Westview and not waited for a couple of years. I needed you Vision. I needed you." She spoke angrily letting her accent slip out. "And you decided to just leave when you got your powers back. Why are you here now?" She seethed at the android.

"I came back for you my dear. I want to be us again. Wanda please let me in again." He spoke as he cupped her cheeks which she quickly moved away from his grasp and shook her head violently.

"No." She whispered before she looked back up. "I am happy now Vision. I don't love you." She spoke as he looked at her confused. It wasn't until he saw a toddler come running out of the cabin towards Wanda followed by a man.

"You have a child?" He asked Wanda who looked back to see her daughter running to her with open arms as she just nodded.

"Yeah, this is Daneel and my fiancé Benjamin." She spoke as she watched the latter approach them. Vision smiled sadly as he watched them closely. He saw how Ben looked at his former partner. It was how he looked at her. But Wanda looked at Ben with so much more love than she ever did to him.

"Well, I shall leave you be. I'm sorry for trespassing Wanda." Vision bowed his head in shame as he stepped back away from the family with pain in his eyes. Wanda had moved on from him. She had moved on from Westview and the life she created inside of the hex and that was all because of Ben.

Agatha watched everything with a smirk on her face before she decided to approach after Vision flew off. She slowly emerged from the tree line with a vicious smirk on her face as she saw that Wanda had more to lose than before.


A nice cheeky chapter and the return of Vision and Agatha. Let me know what you guys think.

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