part 20

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" The course of true love never run smooth ".

( Jennifer was sitting front of y/n checking some reports of her when she heard y/n )

Y/N : ahh my head ( grabbing her head )

Jennifer : are you ok , why are you taking so much stressed ?

Y/N : I--i ( trying to remember what happened earlier ) yoongi!

Jennifer : yoongi? ( Confusing look)

Y/N : no no I need to go he he can't ( removing the wires from her body)

Jennifer : hey! hey! Stop stop what are you doing ( trying to stopping her )

Y/N : No!! I can't stop he will leave me!!( Pushing Jennifer making her fall )

Jennifer : ( getting up and hug y/n ) shh calm down calm down tell me what happen ( caressing her head )

Y/N : Jen he--he leave me Jen he leave me!( Crying hard )

Jennifer : tell me from starting in detail ok shh ( patting her back)

( After explaining everything )

Jennifer : did you explain him every thing ( cupping her face )

Y/N : yes I tell him every thing ( wipping her tears )

Jennifer : than don't cry for him

Y/N : but it-its my fault I need to tell him from the first

Jennifer : how did he find out about this ( curiously looking at y/n )

Y/N : I don't know who did this ( grabbing her head )  my step mother I--I think it's her

?? : No I'm the one who told him ( grabbing both of attention )

Jennifer : jungkook!

Y/N : why!

Jungkook : because he deserves to know ( walking closer to them )

Jennifer : you don't have right to interfere in their relationship

Jungkook : same goes to you don't interfere in our talks

Y/N : jungkook how could you ( looking at him teary eyes )

Jungkook : listen to me y/n today or tomorrow he needs to know the truth , you explain him right and if he love you sincerely then he will understand you ( wipping her tears ) don't cry just give him same time

Jennifer : well isn't it coincidence that we both are single

Y/N : what! How?? Junkook?

Jennifer : let's not talk about its not important topic for me  ( shrugged away )

Y/N : but it's important to me ( looking at Jennifer )

Jennifer : rest now we will talk later ok

Jungkook : she is the one who break-up with me

Y/N : Jen

Jennifer : not now rest ok I have another patient  ( walking away from there )

One week later*"

Jennifer : any message from him

Y/N : no ( shaking her head in disappointing )

Jennifer : how did jungkook know about it?

Y/N : my step mother and I got into fright and he said that he was there

Jennifer : huh ( heavy sign left from her mouth ) why your life is so ridiculous , just now focus on your fashion week completion

Y/N : he will come right ( hopping looking at y/n )

Jennifer : ah speaking about truth I don't know

Y/N : I have something to ask you , can you ask taehyung to be my company model if he is free ( playing with fingers )

Jennifer : well he always free I will talk to him ok

Y/N : hmm wait one more why  you both breakup?

Jennifer : why are you so depress to know my breakup story

Y/N : ofcourse I am depress to know because you are my best friend right!

Jennifer : ok so your brother is always compare me with my big sister and told me don't talk with another guys don't go to club don't wear small dress he always fight with me for small things like why did I come late from my job who I'm talking to my phone and most Important he said that he regret dating me so I breakup with him , I can't tolerate him

Y/N : wow  this much and you telling me now ( crossing her arm )

Jennifer  : didn't I tell you this is not important to me ( shrugged her shoulder )

Y/N : did you even love him because after break up I didn't see any sadness in your eyes

Jennifer : I love myself more and about sadness why would I'll be sad he is the one who should be sad I understand him right then why can't he understands me you also know that I don't have that much friends you Lisa and rose that's it he always in his work never have time for me I didn't complaint him he talk with girls I didn't say anything so why he have problems with me when I talk to another guys

Y/N : ok now calm down

Jennifer : give me yoongi address I will talk him

Y/N : I want there but he is not at home his door is locked

( To be continued )

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