The Pirate

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Many Years Ago...

Ender Abyss

The Orchid Fleet rejoices over its recent plunder. Several outskirt communities had been located earlier, one of them being a major jackpot of the hidden gold of the Ender King, a feared and troublesome Patriarch known as Varamyr the Great, or by pirates and troublemakers Varamyr the Tyrant. The new King had cracked down on piracy, and had built a substantial fleet that was well on its way to ruling the voids that made up the Ender realms.

However, the Orchid Fleet had become a thorn in the Royal Fleet's side, led by its undead Captain, Arabella, and her trusty First Lieutenant, known as the "Purple Reaper". The crew, celebrating on the decks with music from whatever corner of the world they came from and fun games such as a mock sword fight, were greatly satisfied with the plunder, but the Captain desired more.

She desired power. The same power held by King Varamyr, a power which felt so close yet so out of reach. She would turn to the Reaper, has trusted Lieutenant, who would only roll his blank, white, and empty eyes, recognizing the look on her face, the look of hunger and desire for a power she did not have.

"You are well aware that to inherit the throne of such a strict and autocratic monarch such as the Tyrant, you would need a claim, right?". Purple Reaper's question, rhetorical in nature, was only met with a sigh of annoyance and a deep, hazy view towards the infinite stars that dotted the endless nights of the End dimension.

"Then I will force the decisions upon those bastard oligarchs, claim or none." Her Lieutenant would only sigh, knowing all too well that the oligarchs that made up the Royal High Council that constitutionalized the powers of the King of the End would never except a woman at their helm, especially not one as independent and nontraditional in their eyes as Arabella.

From below, the ship's navigator would call out. "Where to next, Captain?". Arabella would begin to think, a mental debate that the Purple Reaper knew all too well what was between. But he sympathized with her, much like the rest of the crew. She was just as powerful, if not more than Varamyr or any of his descendants ever could be. She would respond, in a much less enthusiastic voice than usual. "Set a course to Endwarkshire Island, to the home of Lord Vostross Hondenberg."

The deck immediately grew quiet, many questioning the mental sanity of their Captain. Hondenberg was a feared warlord and High Council member, known for his murderous exploits against the more democratic front that faced off against the Kingdom in the last Spire War, as well as his brutal policy and fierce hate towards pirates. Rumor said that one of Captain Arabella's relatives, a pirate as well, had been killed by Hondenberg's private militia forces simply for being related to her.

"This is very well personal to me. And besides, what greater way to assert the dominance of the Orchid Fleet than to steal the crystal of the wicked Hondenberg!". The short speech, meant to rile the crew into action, did nothing. She would sigh, and speak again. "Do not forget of the insane riches possessed by the lord, said to be more numerous than half the Royal Court combined!".

To this, the crew would erupt into cheers, eager at the prospect of fresh loot. Their hunger for the riches possessed by the Ender autocracy was never quelled, and they always looked forward to their voyages and raids across the isles. But this time, it would be different. This time, for many of them, once poor laborers under the ruling class, was now a chance for vengeance and revenge.

Now, more than enthusiasm, there was anger. Not at her, nor at the crew, but towards their targets. If they could get rid of the Ender Kingdom's core lords, they could cause chaos and Arabella could capitalize on this to become the Queen of the realm, though not without resistant from the traditionalist royalists and believers amongst the Royal Army and general populace.

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