The Return

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Frostbourne Mountain Pass

Lady Azura trudges through the mountain pass, careful to stay out of sight of the Undead troops. Her wings, while still damaged, are repaired to a point where she believes she will be able to take flight, given that the wind will help her take off. She cannot risk staying in the passage, as she knows that soon the Undead forces will attack her home, Frostbourne City. 

Dreadfort City had been no help, and all she found were human slaves working for the undead and Nether occupiers. Had she been in any condition to fight, she would have freed them, but then and still now she was weak and injured from the flying menace, which she saw surveying her actions every once in a while. It unnerved her.

She would follow the map she had marked out on a piece of paper, all the way to the small peak facing down a valley which she could use to put herself into flight. It was not a great distance away, but the excruciating heat made it seem that way. In the distance, she could spot that creature - whatever it was - observing her in the distance. She would activate her suit, facing the cliff down. A long drop, one it would suck to fail on.

She would swallow, and get ready. She could not walk to Frostbourne City. But she could fly. She would run down the snow-dotted path, and dive off the ledge. She would begin tumbling down, contrary to the smooth start she had had in her head. She would extend the wings, evening her body out, and activate her jets with the last fuel she had left.

Her body would barely touch the water, as she would slowly begin to ascend, leaving a large disruption in the water in her wake. She would climb rapidly, passing the Dreadfort as she left. Several skeletons and a blaze would fire at her, though they would be unsuccessful and miss completely.

Azura would hit her goggles several times before they activated, cracked and somewhat blurry. Setting course to the Floating Islands, from which she could use their portal to break into the Nether and secure another portal home. Unbeknownst to her, the winged creature pursued, staying out of sight.

The Floating Isles

Bright and early in the day as the sun went up, Azura would awaken, having slept while her wings stayed on autopilot, thanks to the strong wind current that carried her through the air with little effort on her part. The isles would be there to greet her, becoming larger, denser, and higher in the sky as she neared them with increasing frequency.

She would take note of the increased presence of the creatures of the Nether as the islands slowly became more corroded, which was somewhat of a good sign. She was going the right way. She would begin to see the Royal Nether Army's garrisons on some of the island, which while lightly defended, contained some of the Nether's most experienced and renowned flight troops, nicknamed the Volarian Guards, a name given to them by a long-collapsed civilization which had once resided in the Black Mountains, long before the Montanegro Kingdom had ever come to exist.

Rumor had it that many Volarian Captains had served under the command of the previous inhabitants of the Black Mountains, and had since been corrupt with the Nether's power and undead gifts. But corrupt or not, they were still deadly and posed a major threat to Azura, so she made a mental note to avoid them if she could.

She made good progress, though she would begin to notice an abundance of small forts and garrisons of air troops. Nervously, she would begin to increase her jet speed, bringing it to a low hum. Looking to her side, she would sigh in relief as none of the Guards would notice. But then she would feel resistance on her left wing, though only for a little bit. She would turn, and exclaim in horror - she had cut off the bottom of one of the islands in her path.

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