Part Four - Your Instructor Is...

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We all sat in a massive hanger, just beside the Apron where all the parked aircraft sat. It was originally planned for us to sit according to our flying assignments. Being that we still had a few moments to go before the briefing started, we decided to mill about and talk to help pass the time.

"Dice, you still haven't told us who you're flying with," Hangman says with a cheeky grin. He stands against the back of his desk, facing the desks behind him. My desk is behind Phoenix and Bob's but I now stand beside her at their desk.

"She flies alone," Rooster says in a 'matter-of-fact' tone. He looks up at me from his seat for confirmation. Hangman looks at me with a face of surprise.

"Which means I have to beat you asshats to be team lead," I say smugly, "shouldn't be a problem though, I've beaten you before. Isn't that right, Bradshaw?" I smirk at him, noting my success in pushing his buttons. Rooster scoffs and gives me a mocking smile in return.

"We should get to our seats. Hondo, Cyclone, and Warlock are going to be here soon," Payback says, changing the subject. Sounds and mumbles of agreement are made by the others as we all get to our assigned desks and prepare ourselves for what's to come.

"Attention on deck!" A voice calls out from the entrance to the hanger. We all promptly stand up, backs straight, heads held high.

"Morning. Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated," Warlock starts as he makes his way to the podium that stands in front of the pristine looking American Flag which hangs from the rafters. We take our seats and I peer over to Rooster who has a smug grin spread across his face.

"I'm Admiral Bates, NAWDC Commander. You're all Top Gun graduates. The elite. The best of the best," a smirk of achievement creeps up on me, and I can see it has on many others in the room too. Even the humblest person would feel a sense of confidence and pride at being called 'the best of the best'.

"That was yesterday," my smirk immediately falters. "The enemies new fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure, we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box." I see out of the corner of my eye, Hangman cockily stares back at me and Phoenix. I pay him no attention, but Phoenix raises her middle finger towards him, then rests it on her cheek, trying to play it off. I try to stifle my laughter.

"Half of you will make the cut," Warlock continues, "one of you will be made mission leader." He makes eye contact with me and I'm instantly hit by a wave of intimidation and anxiety. "The other half will remain in reserve." Hangman has difficulty sitting still as he, not-so-subtly, cranes his head back to give a meaningful stare in Rooster's direction.

"Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master." I hear the sound of boots walking down the aisle. I turn to see who the sound belongs to and see none other than the man that was thrown out of the bar just last night. I begin to return my gaze to Warlock, but it stops at Hangman. The embarrassment now spread across his face makes me smile briefly.

"He is considered one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you, may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign, Maverick." That name sounds familiar to me. I frown as I try to think back to when that name would've popped up in my past. After a few seconds, I briefly recall memories of my father telling me stories involving a 'Maverick' from his days in the Naval Academy.

"Morning," Maverick greets us. We all nod back to him. All except Rooster. I see him hunching down, hiding his face behind the pilot sat in front of him. He turns his stare to the other side of the hanger, refusing to give Maverick even an ounce of attention. I furrow my brow in confusion and intrigue.

Beyond the Horizon | Bradley "Rooster" BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now