2| Rumors

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"Oh and the heating's out in the guest room, so we can just share my bed."

LaMelo looked up super quickly from starting the washing machine, wondering if what Miles just yelled to him was real.

To say the least, he was terrified.

"What?" LaMelo asked, walking out of the laundry room.

Miles looked up at him. "The heat broke a few days ago, and I can't get a guy to come fix it for a week, but don't worry, I bought heaters, but I could only get four on such short notice."

Lamelo took in what Miles said before responding.


"Ok great. I mean, you can sleep in the guest room if you want, but it's freezing in there, and I figured if you can bearly handle forty degrees, then you probably wouldn't like twenty."

"Ha, yeah......t-thanks for looking o-out." LaMelo said a little too unenthusiastically.

'This can't be happening'


It was around 1 am when they were ready for bed. Miles already plopped down on his side, half asleep. Melo on the other hand, was having a mini freak out in his mind.

LaMelo's pov

It'd be weird to face him right? OK, I'm just gonna have my back to him, so nothings weird.

A few hours later and I'm freezing. The clock says that it's 3:37 am, and even though the heats on, I'm still shivering. I've bearly been able to sleep because it's probably like -10 degrees outside.

I must be shaking the bed, cuz a few seconds later, Miles rolls over to face me. I can tell that he's still mostly asleep, but it seems like he noticed me shivering, because he reaches out and puts his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"You....sounded......frozen." Miles said slowly, sleep lacing his voice.

I'm not even sure if he's talking to me or if he's dreaming, but I'm just going to relax and enjoy the warmth.

When I woke up, it was 9:43 am. I took in the current position me and Miles were in. He was lying on his back while I was on my side, halfway on his body with my leg draped over him, as he held my thigh with this hand. Miles was also still asleep, and I don't want to accidently wake him up and have to deal with the awkward realization of the position were in, so I stayed silent and didn't move, closing my eyes.

Miles woke up about ten minutes later, so I kept my eyes shut and pretended to sleep.

Third person pov

Miles eyes slowly opened to reveal his room, dimly lit by the overcast skies through his blinds. The aura of the room was just right, super relaxing and calming, which is what Miles needed. This is one of the longer breaks on their schedule, with three off-days, with an afternoon practice on the third day. Miles couldn't wait to do nothing for those two and a half days.

As he tried to get up, he felt a weight on the right side of his body. He also realized that his hand was holding something. He looked over to see LaMelo, sleeping peacefully with his head on Miles's chest. Miles' eyes widened as he saw him and LaMelo cuddled up together, but relaxed quickly after. He watched for a few seconds, LaMelo's breath making him rise and fall so gingerly. 'He looks so peaceful' Miles thought, before he carefully slid out of the bed, making sure he didn't wake the other. He headed to his bathroom to do his morning routine, before heading downstairs to make a little breakfast for the both of them.

When Miles left the room, LaMelo rolled onto his back, staring up to the ceiling. He wanted to cherish that moment with Miles, knowing that it might not happen again. He got up and headed to the guest bathroom in the guest room, where his stuff that he keeps at Miles house is.

"He was right. It's freezing in here." LaMelo said out loud as he shivered slightly entering the room. He brushed his teeth and washed the sleep off his face. He could smell waffles, so he hurriedly (and clumsily) made his way down the stairs. As Miles was walking to the base of the stairs to call LaMelo down, Melo was already halfway there. He was heading way too fast and slipped on the second to last stair, but Miles quickly caught him.

"Woah bro, slow down." Miles said, smiling.

LaMelo looked up at Miles, his pearly white teeth shine as he smiled wide.

"Naw bruh! I'll slow down when I get them waffles!" LaMelo lifted himself out of Miles's grasp and jogged over to the kitchen island, grabbing waffles, bacon, eggs, and fruit. He brought his full plate over to the barstool and sat down, looking innocently at Miles, waiting for him to do the same.

"At least you waited for me." Miles said, as he walked over to make his plate and then sat down next to Melo.

They both begin eating and talking about whatever, Miles choosing to avoid the question about the position they were sleeping in this morning, and LaMelo praying that he was asleep and doesn't bring it up, before Miles asked if LaMelo's phone got a bunch of notifications last night.

"What you mean?" LaMelo asked.

"Just notifications. I was getting a bunch of Twitter ones last night, but I assumed they were about the game so I put my phone on silent." Miles explained.

LaMelo scrunched his face up in curiosity and took his phone out of his pocket. Miles also grabbed his, and they both opend Twitter together.

"Whoa there's a whole bunch of people tagging me and dm-ing me." LaMelo said.

"Same.....oh, this was the first tag I got from last night." Miles said, as he held his phone between them and clicked on the post.

On the screen, a gossip page posted two pictures and one clip of the duo from the parking lot last night. Miles clicked on the video, and it showed Miles laughing as he was forcing his hoodie onto a cold LaMelo Ball. One of the photos was of them hugging, and the other was when they were gazing into eachothers eyes. The caption wrote 'looks like we can shut down rumors about Miles Bridges relationship with Insta-model, cuz it's clear that the relationship is between Bridges and Hornets star and teammate, LaMelo Ball!'

Miles and LaMelo looked at each other.

"Oh no."

1105 words

Locked Away, Deep Down {Lamelo B. and Miles B.}Where stories live. Discover now