18| New Year's Eve

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LaMelo was sprawled out on his bed scrolling through Instagram, as Miles sat at the end playing Call of Duty. He was so focused on the game for the past twenty minutes, that he didn't even notice Melo's discarded controller next to him. What he did notice though, was the way his best friend laughed at his phone screen. He paused the game and turned to face him.

"What's so funny? All I can hear is your weird hyena laugh." Miles said, hitting the base of LaMelo's leg. His teammate rolled his eyes before responding.

"Oh, it's just something my...friend texted me."

Miles internally frowned at this. LaMelo is a grown adult and allowed to have other friends, yet Miles couldn't help but feel a little jealous of LaMelo's 'friend'.

"I thought I was your only friend?" Miles responded playfully. That ended with a 'playful' kick in the stomach.

"I may not have a whole lot of friends, but I still definitely have more than just you."

Miles rolled his eyes and turned back around, picking up the controller and unpausing his game.

LaMelo's attention went back to his phone where he had been texting Keone.

Melo still hadn't told Miles about him, but did he need to? They're best friends, but that doesn't mean Miles needs to know everything.

LaMelo's pov

I laughed slightly again at Keone's texts. He was telling me about the time he and his friends almost got arrested going into an abandoned hospital when they were in high school.

I was...enjoying this. Getting to know someone. This reminds me of when I was first getting to know Mile-


I sighed out loud, realizing that I was comparing Keone to Miles again. Miles is my best friend. Strictly platonic. Keone is someone I'm getting to know, and if I'm getting the right vibes, potentially someone more. I have to stop thinking about Miles every time I talk to someone I could have a relationship with. Miles and I have talked and that ship has sailed. I don't want to ruin our relationship again.

I looked back to my phone from staring off into nothing, seeing that Keone had sent me another text.

Hey, I'm flying to Charlotte tomorrow for a photoshoot. U free?

"Hey Miles, we got anything to do tomorrow?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Just practice til' noon." He said, glancing at me. "Why?"

"Nothing, just...I'm making plans for tomorrow. Needed to know when I'm free."

Miles paused the game and turned his body towards me looking amused.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" He asked.

"We, are not going anywhere. I'm going to hang out with my friend in the afternoon." I responded, matter-of-factly.

"Oh," Miles said, smile faltering a little. "When will I get to meet this friend? Is she hot?" He said, smirking.

That question made me a little uncomfortable, seeing that I'm not into women. In his defense though, I haven't told him that I'm into guys yet. I probably should...

"Nah, it's not a chick. Just a dude I met when I went to Cali. His photography company is based in Charlotte and he's flying in tomorrow for a gig. We just gonna hang after you know? Show him around the city a bit." I finished, trying to sound as nonchalant as I possibly can.

"Cool." That was all Miles said. I couldn't really decipher the lack of emotion in his response, so I'm assuming he's cool with it.

I went back to texting, and Miles went back to his game.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. The team wants to have a New Year's Eve get-together at Kelly's house tonight. You down for it?" Miles asked.

I kinda didn't want to, but I had no good excuse to say no, so I agreed.


Miles and LaMelo showed up at their teammates' house fashionably late at 10:30. They walked in to see the rest of their team with glasses of champagne and food on toothpicks, standing around talking to each other, the loud music drowning out any words.

Miles walked forward and joined a group, while LaMelo kept walking till he found Kai, who was talking to Kelly.

"Hey Melo, I see you're finally here," Kai said, a smirk growing on his lips. "What took you and Miles so long?"

"I swear if yall were late just because you wanted to get laid-" "No, Kelly. We were just chillin'. Lost track of time." That was sort of true. Really, LaMelo and Miles took a long nap before coming to the party, assuring that they wouldn't be too drowsy for any fun. LaMelo did purposely set the alarm later though, just to be there longer with Miles.

"Sure..., Oh! Where are your accessories? You can have fun if you ain't lookin' the part."

LaMelo's eyes moved around the party, finally noticing the New Year's beads, glasses, and hats that everyone was wearing. He even found Miles in the crowd with an insane amount of beaded necklaces on. 'He can really pull off anything.'

"You done gawking at him? If you haven't told people you gay yet, you're sure making it obvious now." Kai said, lightly slapping the side of Melo's mouth. He didn't even realize it was hanging open.

"I wasn't gawking. I was just, admiring the beads."

LaMelo was met with a side-eye from Kai, which most likely meant 'be f*cking for real'

Melo continued to walk around, greeting his teammates and the random strangers who were in attendance.

"Alright yall! It's almost time!" Kelly yelled. He had the live recording of the New York Ball drop on his TV and scrambled to get everyone in front of it. Nevertheless, the entire party was soon in the living room with red solo cups in hand.

LaMelo had moved into the kitchen during the crowd shift. He still had a clear view of the television but was able to get away from the huge group. As he was sitting on the kitchen counter, he felt a presence grow behind him. He turned around and saw Miles walking up, the tons of beaded necklaces he had on before had seemed to multiply.

"Whatchu doing over here, Bambi?" He asked. He wasn't drunk, but LaMelo could tell that he was a little tipsy.

"Oh-I just wanted to get away from the crowd y'know? Get a breath of fresh air. As fresh as it can be in here." Miles smiled at that, his eyes fixated on him, half-lidded. He hoisted himself up onto he counter next to Melo.

"Great, now we can watch the clock together." LaMelo had almost forgotten about the time, turning around quickly to the TV. When he saw that there was ten seconds left, he and Miles began to count down along with the rest of the party.

"10, 9..."

Miles slid some of his beads onto LaMelo's neck.

"6, 5..." LaMelo rested his arm around Miles's shoulders.

"3, 2...1! Happy New Year!"

LaMelo's attention went to all the couples around the party indulging in their New Year's kiss. He saw Kelly and Kai take a shot.

His attention turned to Miles, who leaned in and kissed LaMelo on the cheek. LaMelo was flustered as always. That was more than what he expected to get.

The party started to die down after midnight. All the guests began to go home, only leaving some of the team. Their other teammates left, complaining that 'it was late' and they 'had families to get back to.' The remaining ones gathered in Kelly's living room, excited about what activity Kelly had planned next.

"Ok y'all, are you guys ready?" He asked, setting down a bunch of alcohol. LaMelo had a questioning look on his face.

"We playin' drunk truth or dare!"

LaMelo groaned.

1316 words

Locked Away, Deep Down {Lamelo B. and Miles B.}Where stories live. Discover now