9| Christmas Eve

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Finishing up the photo shoot, Miles and LaMelo decided to get brunch before coming back to the facility to practice for tomorrow's game.

They headed out the door into the freezing air, surprisingly kept warm by their Reindeer onsies that neither took off. Miles unlocked his car as Melo quickly slid into passenger side. Miles started the ignition, and made their way to IHOP.

Enjoying the comfortable silence and music from the radio, LaMelo takes this time to look over at Miles, contemplating the photo shoot.

LaMelo's pov

Despite what I expected, the photo shoot was actually a lot of fun. We showed the crew who refuses to believe that we aren't dating that me and Miles can just hang out as best friends.

Although, there was this...feeling, that was hanging above us. I don't know if Miles could tell, but it felt, cold. Until I looked into his eyes during the snow photo. After that......

I snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the engine of the car come to a stop. I follow Miles, getting out, smiling at the warmth of our onsies that I begged him to keep on. I wanted to keep mine on since my 'Rookie of the Year' Jordan 1s matched so well with it, but didn't want to wear it alone.

"Table for two, please." Miles spoke to the worker. The teenager seemed like he knew who we were and escorted us to a table towards the back. Being Christmas Eve, there were only two other families there, so we wouldn't have to worry about a disruption.

I picked up the menu and scanned through it, no point because I get the same thing every time.

"You know what you want?" Miles asked me. I nodded as a waiter came to our table.

"Merry Christmas Eve to you both! What can I get you started with?" The older lady asked. Miles ordered his food first, and I went after.

"Ok, coming right up! And I must say, you two are the most adorable couple I've seen! I love your matching onsies. Ugh, true love!" She said excitedly before walking away.

My eyes widend.


True Love!?!

Miles smirked at the comment, seeing my reaction.

"Hey, you wanted to wear the onsies, Rudolph." He said, hands up in defense. I scoffed in return.

"Well I didn't think this would happen. And don't call me Rudolph." I said, glaring at Miles.

"Well then what do you want to be called? There are eight more Reindeer. I'm thinking Comet." He said.

"What! No. That's a dog's name-" "then Bambi." Miles said, cutting me off.

I huffed as I sat back against my seat.




"C'mon, Bambi."

Okay yeah, that made me blush a little, but whatever. I rolled my eyes, signaling that I don't care, and all I could see was Miles's smug grin.


Third person pov

"You're late. Five laps." Coach said, not amused and not even looking at Miles and LaMelo.

They both groaned out in annoyance, seeing as they were only three minutes late, but put their bags down and started running.

Miles had finished his five laps while LaMelo was still on his third one, using their food excuse as to why he's so slow.

"C'mon bro! Ain't no way I lapped you twice!" Miles laughed out as he watched LaMelo 'struggle', before Melo dramatically fell to the ground.

"I can't moveeee." LaMelo groaned loudly.

"Huddle up in the center!" Coach yelled to the team. He looked over to LaMelo and saw that he made no effort to move.

"Miles, go drag your boyfriend over here so he can listen to what I have to say." Coach said.

The team exploded into fits of giggles, fist bumbing their coach because of the joke. Everyone was laughing except for Miles, who huffed loudly and walked over to LaMelo. He bent down and grabbed his left ankle, holding on and walking back to the group, dragging LaMelo behind him.

"Aye, help me up, would you?" LaMelo said to Miles, as he reached his arms up. He expected Miles to grab his hands, but he instead grabbed his wrist, yanking LaMelo up.

"AH! SH*T!" LaMelo swore, grabbing at his wrist. The cuts he made had healed a bit, but even through his bandages and long-sleeve, it still hurts like crazy.

"Woah, dude! Are you ok?" Miles said, surprised. The rest of the team looked at LaMelo, confused by his outburst.

Melo's eyes darted between his teammates, trying to quickly come up with a lie.

"I-um...I hit my arm against a wall cuz I was rushing this morning. It's n-nothing, really. There's a bruise and you just grabbed it Miles. It's alright, I'm fine." LaMelo finished.

The team nodded in understanding, but still has the slight feeling that he was lying. They chose to ignore it, turning their attention to Coach.

However, Miles did not ignore it, bookmarking the topic in his mind to discuss later with LaMelo.

"Okay," Coach started. "This is what we're gonna do."


"Okay. It's noon now. We should probably head to sleep at midnight. Meaning we have twelve hours of movie watching." LaMelo said, checking his phone. Miles came back into the living room of Melo's house with two huge bowls of popcorn, hot chocolate, and a box of candy canes.

They had the wonderful idea of putting on a Christmas movie marathon, so they prepped the setting. LaMelo closed the windows and blinds, and Miles turned off all the lights, only keeping on the Christmas lights hanging from various places, including LaMelo's twelve-feet high Christmas tree. They grabbed all the blankets and pillows they could, and sat in the middle of the large couch, getting comfortable.

LaMelo turned on the Smart TV, immediately cueing up one of his favorite Christmas movies, Home Alone.

"Ready?" LaMelo asked his best friend.

"Start it." Miles said, exited to binge watch Christmas movies.


Miles's pov

Its been about nine hours and five movies since we began our marathon. We took a quick break for dinner at around six, then immediately started watching again.

To be honest, I didn't even really care about watching the movies anymore. I was just enjoying the time I was spending together with Melo right now.

No basketball. No teammates. No cameras. Just me and him.

I swear I notice him every once in a while looking over in my direction. I think he thinks I don't notice, but I do. I think he is feeling the same way I'm feeling.


He's not moving around or commenting on the movies as much as he was before. 'Probably just getting tired.'

Almost as if reading my mind, he answered my thought by gently falling over onto the couch cushions, his head landing in my lap.

I looked down at his soft expression fondly. His eyes were lightly shut, and his expression was neutral. I sighed a breath of relief when I see that his breathing is even, not wanting a repeat of what occurred a few weeks ago.

Hesitant, I move my hand to play with his curls, something he seemed to like, and grab the remote to turn off the television.

With the room turning pitch black, except for the glowing tree, I scoot down to get comfortable on the big, soft couch, still playing with LaMelo's curls as I drift off to sleep.

"G'night Bambi."

1249 words

Locked Away, Deep Down {Lamelo B. and Miles B.}Where stories live. Discover now