jealously - Steve harrington

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⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️
(also this is based off of season 1&2, so he is still in school)

  You were in your room getting ready for one of Steve   Harrington's famous parties. You didn't tend to go to parties but this one was different. Not only had Steve told you personally about it but you had just bought this amazing dress. It fit you perfectly and showed your best features.

  It wasn't a very long drive to Steve's house and once you arrived you saw almost everyone from school. Right in the middle of his yard was none other than Billy Hargrove, who was shot gunning a beer with everyone around him cheering him on. You parked your car on the side of the house and made your way towards the inside of the house, best guessing that Steve would be in there since he was nowhere's to be seen in the yard.

You walked into the house and it was so crowded. There were people dancing, drinking, smoking, basically the usual party activities. You were able to squeeze past the crowd to where the drinks were. You grabbed a red solo cup and filled it up with whatever was in the punch bowl. Just as you were about to search for Steve you felt hands wrap around your waist. You would have hoped it was Steve's but the smell of smoke and cologne floated around you, Billy. Once you turned around, sure enough Billy had his signature smirk on his face and was making heavy eye contact. "Hello sweetheart" he said while pulling you closer. "Hi Billy" you said while trying to get out of his grip. "I didn't expect you to be here, did you come to have a little fun?" he asked. Just as you were about to say something, Billy was pulled off of you. "Hey asshole, why don't you go back with your buddies?",said the one and only Steve Harrington. "Awe look at the knight in shiny armor coming to rescue his little princess." Billy said while laughing. A few people started to look at the two rowdy boys. "I'm giving you a chance to leave yourself but if you can't take that offer, i'm willing to show you the door." Steve said while getting in Billy's face. Billy scoffed and bumped into Steve while walking out. Everyone went back to whatever they were doing and Steve turned to face you. "Sorry about him, i'll make sure he doesn't get near you again." He said. "I could have told him no myself" you said while taking a sip of your drink. It was really sweet of him to help but you didn't like the way Billy's knight in shiny armor comment rubbed on you. "I was just trying to help, I can't stand to see him even look at you, and when I saw him touch you I couldn't stop myself from coming over." You gave him a small laugh and said, "Is the famous Steve Harrington jealous?"

"Do you want to see jealousy?"

Steve led you upstairs to his room, which was actually pretty clean. He shut the door and locked it. "Wait what about everyone downstairs, isn't this your party??" You said as he walked closer to you. You felt your legs hit his bed and he slowly pushed your whole body down to be on the bed. "Does it look like I care about them?" He whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. "I-" but before you could finish he put his lips on yours.

One of his hands was on your cheek and the other was slowly undoing your dress. Meanwhile your hands were inside his shirt searching every part of his warm skin. He slipped off your dress which made you gasp from the cold air hitting your skin. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth which made your heart beat even faster than it was before. He then started to kiss down you neck, nipping at a spot making you let out a soft moan. You tugged on his shirt while he went back up to kiss you again. You could feel his smirk against your lips as he started to take off his shirt. Once he took off his shirt he started to undo his pants and you undid your bra. He started to slip off your last piece of clothing until he looks up at you and asks, "Are you sure you want to do this?, I don't want you to feel pressured." (we love consent!) All you could do was nod your head and he then slipped your underwear off. He slowly kissed you inner thigh. He looked at you for moment then he put one of his fingers inside you. You let out another moan, but this time it was louder. Just that sound made him start to go in and out. After a little while he took out his now two fingers and took off his boxers. He quickly pulled out a condom and then lined up himself to you and slowly went in, making eye contact the whole time to make sure you weren't in too much pain. You moaned out his name as he went out and back in again, slowly picking up speed. You wrapped your legs around him and he had his hands on your hips. He started kissing all around you again, leaving marks wherever his lips went.

  Some time went by, his stokes started to get slower and you felt the knot inside release. He slowly let out and knotted the now used condom and threw it away in the bin. You felt tired but also alive at the same time. He came back to you and pulled you under the covers with him. He kissed you one more time before you felt yourself falling asleep. The last thing you heard that night was him whispering in your ear, "Something about you makes me so just want to keep you to myself."

Ugh first time writing smut, it was harder than I thought...
Anyways I hope it wasn't to much of a torture to read!

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