Chapter 3

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Once Thomas and Alexander laid eyes on each other, everything went into chaos. John and Lafayette had to hold Alexander back. I walked to a room and unlocked the door and went in and grabbed a dual pistol and walked back out. Once I was back in the living room I aimed the gun towards the sky and fired. Sure enough it shut everyone up. "Look if I have to fire this gun again, I'm putting someone in the closet." I said.
Right after I finished talking there was another loud bang. "No one moves." I said. I walked over to where I heard the noise and laying on the floor was a kid. He looked like he was around 19 years old. "No one is this young out of the men." I thought. Then it hit me. "Hey Alex, you might want to come here." I called.
Alex came running in and stopped when he saw the kid laying on the floor. "Philip." He whispered, while he rubbed Philp's hand. "Hi pa." He said weakly. I backed up and gave them space. Then a second later, I heard someone scream. I ran back into the room quickly and found a guy, well dressed and in a corner. "Kill it with fire!" Lafayette yelled. I sighed and shot the gun off. "No one is killing anybody in my house." I said. I walked over to where the man was. "Let me guess, you're part of the British?" I asked. He nodded. "My name is Samuel Seabury.

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