Chapter 4

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After I got Samual to calm down, I turned back to the others. "Please don't yell like that again." I said. Then I noticed Alex about to go into my revolutionary room. "Do not open that door." I said. They all looked at me. "I'll show you it when I'm ready." I said.
I looked at the clock that was under the TV and sighed. "It's getting late and  I'm tired. I had to clean up after a kid who got in the gunpowder." I said. After that I split the men up. I put John, Lafayette, and Hercules in the guest room. I put Samual, Thomas, and Madison in the office. I let Burr have the fold out couch in my small library, an put the two Hamilton in my room.
"Now that's done, I'm going to bed." I said with a friend yawn. "Where are you going to sleep?" Burr asked. "It doesn't matter." I said. I led everyone to there rooms and went back down stairs. I unlocked the door and went in.
The room was a mess. There was papers everywhere and my guns laid on the couch. "I need to clean this room up." I thought. I walked over to the couch and grabbed the guns and carried them over to a glass case and put them away. "Good I have enough room now." I thought. I laid down and fell asleep

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