Chapter 11 - Boat

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No matter the time of year, the docks were always cold in the morning. Chris and I came very much unprepared to face the cold morning weather, but I reassured him that once the sun started to rise the temperatures would increase.

It was six in the morning, too early to be out during the summer holidays, but not if you were planning on getting on a boat. According to my dad, weather conditions were best during that time of day.

Chris and I held on to each other for warmth until my small family boat came into view. Chris let go of my arm, still not entirely comfortable with my parents seeing our closeness despite it being abundantly clear already.

"I'm doing this for your dad," he whispered to me. "Only he could get me out of bed at the crack of dawn to get on a boat of all places."

Chris was really making an effort to make my parents not only accept him but like him and I knew my parents were making the same effort, too.

The night before had started in complete disaster with shouting and crying and explosions of anger, so for it to have ended somewhat cordially was a testament of how much both parties cared for me. On the one hand, Chris had to endure embarrassment, scrutiny, and anxiety, and on the other, my parents had the rug pulled from under their feet, having to come to terms with a relationship that, in their protective view, could put me in a vulnerable position. Everyone was trying to get along because of me, and I was so grateful.

When we approached the sailboat, a 2003 Bavaria 41, my parents were already busy getting everything ready for the sail. My mom hopped off board to greet us good morning while my dad was busy with the ropes. To my surprise, he called Chris to help with the physically demanding task. Instead of showing nervousness, Chris shot me a shy smile and made his way to where my dad was standing.

"Well, one thing's for sure, he is a good looking young man," my mom whispered to me as he climbed onto the boat.

"Mom!" I whispered-shouted, my cheeks turning crimson.

She lifted her hands up in innocence. "I'm just saying. Now come on, I need your help to get the food out of the car."

My eyes instinctively searched for Chris. I didn't want to leave him alone with my dad just yet.

"He'll be fine," my mom said, reading my thoughts. "It'll only take a minute."

She then shouted to my dad, saying she'd be right back. Chris emerged from behind the sails and looked at me. I winked at him and off I went.

My mom and I walked down the dock until we reached the parking lot where she had parked the car.

"So, what did you and Dad talk about after we left last night?" I asked, rubbing my exposed arms to get warmer.

As she opened the trunk, she got out a bottle of Rosé and handed it to me.

"Don't worry Ali, I mean it," she said, already getting to the point I was aiming at. "It doesn't make sense for us to treat Chris harshly when it's obvious you really like him. It would only push you both away and that's not what we want."

I sighed, but agreed with her words.

"I don't want you to treat him nicely because of me, I want you to genuinely like him."

My mom handed me a heavy picnic basket while she carried another one, closing the trunk with a loud thump.

"And that's why we're here darling, so we can all get to know each other. But the next time tell us a few months in advance you're dating your former professor so we aren't caught off guard."

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