Chapter 35 - Presents

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I woke up to a vacant room. My cousins had already gotten up, and from the noise I could hear coming from downstairs, more people were awake.  Reluctantly, I got out of bed, the coldness hitting me as soon as I lifted the blankets. I got dressed quickly, picking out a dress and wool tights and pairing it with ankle boots.

Before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I went to Chris' room. I knocked once, called his name and opened the door when I heard his low groan to acknowledge he had heard me.

He was still in bed, bedsheets wrapped around his head to block out the light and to keep him warm. I approached him and knelt beside him, peering inside the cave of blankets.

"Good morning," I said to him, kissing the top of his head. "Time to wake up."

He groaned again.

"What time is it?" He asked, eyes fully closed.

"Ten," I said. "I think most people are already awake. Didn't you wake up with the noise?"

He stretched his arms out of the bedsheets.

"No, I was completely knocked out. I think it was the wine we drank last night. And the jet-lag."

"Tell me about it," I replied. To have a full night's sleep we needed to sleep a few more hours, but it was getting late for breakfast. "Hurry so we can go downstairs. I don't know if anyone wants to come with us to Paris, but we should ask at least."

He lifted his torso off the bed, rubbing his eyes.

"Okay. Give me a just a minute."

Even though he was sitting up, Chris still had his eyes fully closed, as if he was still asleep. He was exhausted. I kissed his cheek to coax him to get up.

"Come on. I'll wash my teeth and when I come back you need to be dressed."

He opened his eyes, smiling at me.

"Yes Madame."

Chris kept his promise. When I returned to the bathroom, we crossed paths in the corridor.

"Nice dress," he said, smacking his hand towel on my ass as he passed by me. He wouldn't have done that if we weren't completely alone on that floor, and I smiled in embarrassment at his insinuation. Truth was I wanted to be intimate with him, but how? There was no privacy in that house and I knew Grandma wouldn't like it one bit if we decided to take a drive alone at night.

We headed downstairs together. The sound of chatter became louder and louder as we approached the dinning room where breakfast was set. When we walked in through the French doors, we were greeted with good mornings. Even though half the family had already eaten and left, there were still a few sat at the table.

"So Chris, did you meet any ghosts last night?" Asked Claire. She had already finished her breakfast and was drinking an espresso.

"Unfortunately no, I was hoping I could introduce myself," he joked, earning a small laugh from everyone.

As we had breakfast, Grandma walked in the dining room. She asked us what we wanted for lunch and I used this opportunity to propose the outing to Paris.

"We could have lunch in the city and give you a break, Grand-mère," chimed in Elise. "I'll ask Henri and Sylvie if they want to bring the kids to give you some peace and quiet."

I shot a secret glance at Chris. The whole point was to get away from the family, not go on a family excursion.

But the decision was made, we were all going. My parents and uncles stayed behind and the younger generations all wanted to go. We decided it would be cheaper to take three cars and split the cost of gas between us than to all ride the train, so at least the journey was more comfortable even though we were a bit squeezed in.

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