Chapter 44 - Open

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I looked at my wristwatch as I took it off and set it on my bedside table. Chris was about to arrive from Evergreen, a schedule I had memorized from his routine. It was always between six and six thirty in the afternoon most of the time, so I had to make sure everything was absolutely ready for him before he got home.

I instructed all of our friends to only arrive at nine for dinner. I couldn't risk anyone arriving before that or Chris' surprise would have to be cut short, something neither him nor I would be too happy about.

I was sure Chris was expecting that his birthday sex would happen after the very last guest had left, but I had other plans. Who could tell for sure when the last person would leave? Midnight, one in the morning, two? I didn't want to risk being too tired or too drunk to be present and in the moment on his special day, so the best solution was to surprise him the second he got home.

My plan was very simple: I had brought new lingerie, forest green lace almost identical to Chris' favourite colour, I'd dominate him and go with the flow depending on how we both felt. However, the fun didn't end there. The moment the first guest rang the doorbell I'd put on a dress over the indecent lingerie, and Chris would be the only person to know exactly what was hiding under the dress throughout the night.

We'd share that secret the whole night with knowing glances, light touches, half smiles. It would be as if we were still being intimate in a very public setting.

When I heard the lock mechanism of the front door, I knew Chris was about to walk in. I quickly went over everything that was prepared: the food was ready, the table was set, the wine and the desserts were in the fridge, the games were set on the coffee table, the music station was ready to be turned on, the cake and the presents were hidden so Chris wouldn't find them.

Everything was ready. The only thing left was to do was fuck this man so good until he forgot how to say his name.

"Ali, the house smells amazing," Chris called me as he hung up his coat. I bit my lip as I waited inside the bedroom. He'd eventually find me.

"Ali? I know you're here, your purse is in the living room," Chris kept speaking, his footsteps approaching the bedroom. Almost there.

I had left the bedroom door slightly ajar so he'd only have to push it to come in. As soon as our eyes locked I started to feel my heartbeat between my legs.

"Damn, fuck," was all he said as he stood dumbfounded by the door. His eyes said it all, a mixture of tiredness from a whole day of working, excitement from being surprised, and lust as he took in my figure sprawled across the freshly washed sheets.

"Close the door and take a seat," I instructed softly as I changed positions onto all fours, moving my body in a feline way, accentuating my curves as I crawled to the edge of the bed where the wooden chair was placed.

Chris did as instructed with a naughty smile creeping on his face. He closed the door without taking his eyes off me, scanning my perfectly shaved and moisturised skin. He sat down, his mouth slightly agape.

"Is it a good idea to do this now?" He asked as I got closer and closer to him.

I smirked. "Are you afraid we'll get caught?"

He reached out to me as I placed my hands on his knees, touching my arms and caressing them.

"In our own home?" He asked. "No... I'm afraid I won't be able to stop and we'll leave everyone waiting."

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