【 Rant/Vent 1 】

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Hello sweethearts! I can assure you that everything as of right now is okay in my life, and just wanted to make proper use of this book as I intended to write out my thoughts and troubles and get all of my feelings out of my system online as I don't really have anyone irl to talk to about what's bothering me. I don't expect anyone out here to solve my problems for me, I just really have been needing an outlet to "voice out" my feelings because from my extensive experience with battling mental illness, and internalizing all my problems, it always feels better for me to verbalize what's troubling me and to "get it out of my system" rather than keeping things to myself and letting it eat away at me day by day. 

And also, I do enjoy and appreciate external voices and outside perspectives validating my emotions and confirming that I am not crazy or that I am not in the wrong when the people in my life tend to always paint me out to be. As a disclaimer, I'm not here to place blame, I'm not here to slander anyone's reputation- I swear, I'm not stupid enough to even use actual names on this account, as I'm just here to rant and vent about my problems as I initially started this book to do. I titled it "Tea Time" because I planned to just spill the tea- and talk about my irl problems because pretty much no one in my life actually listens to me nor is ever willing to just "hear me out." 


So for this first rant session I would like to start it off by asking my precious readers: Have you ever planned to hangout or go to an event together with someone like with just one friend, a single friend, and they go ahead and also invite other people without your approval or consent?? Because in this chapter, I would like to explain that very dilemma that happened under my circumstances. 

BAHAHAHA I swear I feel like one of those "Am I the Asshole (AITI)" scenario tiktoks; but I actually enjoy watching them. So after you've so kindly stick around and read this up until the end, I would like to know from all of you if I was the asshole in this situation? 

In this rant I will be referring to the people mainly involved in it as follows: 

- my boyfriend: "Cherry"

- my boyfriend's sister: "Plum" 

- my boy best friend: "Strawberry" 

To start off with some context, Cherry and I have been dating for over 2 years now and are now "long distance" due to him having to move home after his university graduation, as he was staying with his relatives that lived near my city  so it would be easier for him to attend his university. I say "long distance" as quoted because we still live in the same state, he just lives about a 2-hour drive away from me now after having moved back to his hometown. There are plans and commitment to start living together after I finish university as I am two years younger than Cherry. 

The shift from living near each other to living 2 hours of a drive away from each other was not very easy on me in the beginning as I went from seeing Cherry nearly every day to now only being able to see him once or even twice a month if our schedules are lucky. 

With covid cases lowering in my area and some events and places I dearly missed because of pandemic restrictions finally coming back, I looked forward to an event that I had very fond memories and fond feelings attached to. And that event is the 626 Night Market. 

For my non-Asian audience, a Night Market is an event where vendors set up stalls and booths selling street food, fast food, drinks, snacks, and even handmade items and products, and also even some fair-style games. They're very prominent and popular in Southeast Asia and they remind me a lot of my parents' home despite the ones in the US failing to compare. But hey, having a piece of home in the US, I'll take what I can get. So simply it's an event held at night full of food, fun, festivities and music. 

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