15 | Passing The Crown

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"Ms. Grande!" Michael grinned upon her entrance of the studio.

"Jewlz, it's been so long! It's so good to see you again!" She rushed over to hug him where he sat in a black swivel chair. "And I heard about the wedding. Congratulations!"

"Thank you. We just came back from Barcelona a week ago. Spent a whole month over there."

Ariana cooed. "Aw, I know you two had a blast. I'm so happy for you guys. Irish is so lucky to have you."

"Nah, I'm the lucky one," he countered, beaming in thought of his wife.

Their honeymoon was indeed well spent in Barcelona despite a few negative experiences here and there after the first two weeks. They did eveything under the sun a person could think of. Of course, other cities in Spain were visited, especially Madrid which was the capitol. Compared to Barcelona, it was like the suburbs; very bourgeois. Nonetheless, it was a city with a majestic view, one that a person couldn't ever forget. Although a month felt as though it had came and went in the blink of an eye, each day was thoroughly enjoyed like it would be the last.

Now back in the states, their regular lives hit them harshly with no remorse as soon as their feet touched the floors of their three story home to get settled back in. It's like they forgot what their actual home felt like. Irish had so much to catch up on at work she hardly could remember her job description or how to fax papers let alone use the printer itself. One of her co-workers called it "post honeymoon syndrome". It was the first she had ever heard of such a term, but she definitely got a laugh out of it as did Michael.

As for him, he received two personal phone calls: one from Ariana and one from another artist two days after touching back down in Virginia. His and Ariana's professional frienship formed last year when he co-wrote and produced two songs for her Sweetner album. "God is a woman", one of her greatest hits was inspired by women who weren't afraid to express who they truly were. He wrote the song from their perspective. What he aimed for was to exude the pleasures of sex, female sexual liberation and domination.

It was solely based on the way society made rules, regulations and restrictions against women to not be able to sexually express themselves and be who they are with whomever. For men, it was a slap on the wrist, and they were assigned to be the dominant species while women had to always be submissive.

Putting himself in the psyche and body of the opposite sex to have better understanding of their feelings and views on topics regarding how they should and should not behave, he brought the concept to Ariana who immediately fell in love with it. The best part about producing the song was the intro where he played the chords he composed himself using an electric guitar and Irish, Vena and Naima provided backing vocals for the breakdown towards the end of the song.

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