18 | Invitation To Hell

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The second miscarriage wasn't as distressing as the first one

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The second miscarriage wasn't as distressing as the first one. Irish held herself together a lot better. And maybe it all had to do with the simple fact that mentally and emotionally she prepared herself beforehand knowing the expected was to be just that, expected. It helped her cope with the aftermath. This time, she didn't succumb to depression as she had done before. It wasn't to say she was still affected behind the loss of her second child, but she was able to accept it more easily.

With the assistance of Michael by her side—that she allowed to comfort her considering last year she didn't—their loss brought them closer emotionally than ever before. Together they grieved their beloved unborn child. They knew this was yet another obstacle to climb over, and they kept it to themselves this time.

It had been three weeks since Michael's return from Israel. With him growing accustomed to the daily routine he and Reuben engaged in together, he made sure to keep it going to continue his growth. Around 7:15 AM, he got himself washed up and dressed in a gray Under Armor jogging fit for his run. Five miles is what he aimed for. If he felt up to it, he would add an extra mile or two and knock those out in no time. His journey to Israel changed him abundantly in the physical sense. It was one thing to cut his hair short, but his body was more broad and built with solid biceps, more defined abs with a visible ripped six pack and toned, muscly thighs.

He was in total good shape from the workout he put in while away. He wasn't too big, but his slender and tall frame had gained more muscle mass all within a month's time. He was just the right size. When her mind wasn't so clouded with grief, Irish had took notice of it and was stunned by the results. She loved the new version of her husband and never ceased to compliment him or keep her hands to herself.

Although their promise wasn't kept, they gave Ariana a call to congratulate her on the release of her album. She understood that an emergency occured, but in truth, they just didn't feel up to flying out west to party with a group of celebrities. Their minds weren't even on that. But Ariana made sure to include Michael in her speech which he did see on Instagram after being tagged in the post. In return and days prior to its release, Irish received the first vinyl copy autographed with a note attached as an early birthday gift.

With his morning run coming to an end a little after 9 AM, perspiration ran down Michael's forehead; the salty droplets formed at the tip of his chin and disappeared onto the pavement. He removed his AirPods that silenced the tunes of Nas' "The World Is Yours" and placed them inside its case and into the pocket of his hoodie. His breath was visible in the cold air as he jogged his way up to the front door, clicking down the latch on the greenwich cylinder handleset to open. He was welcomed by the warmth of the circulating heat. The aroma of breakfast invaded his nostrils, and the high pitched barks from Teddy pierced his ears. The sound of his little paws was heard approaching the foyer.

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