Chapter Two

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Chp 2:

Esther Mikaelson had used the doppelganger's blood to link her children, the original family of vampires, so she could rid the world of them. She smiled as she observed her children about to drink the blood-tainted champagne that was part of the ritual to link them together. She didn't realize her plans were about to be severed by ancient magic, giving three of her sons a soulmate.

During Esther's toast, every light inside the Mikaelson mansion flickered and then went out. The Mikaelson siblings had regathered on the staircase overlooking the crowd of guests, trying to locate the cause of the disturbance. The only people that it could be is their mother and Bonnie Bennett. The first was upset by the interruption and the latter wasn't even in attendance.

Above the staircase a swirling white mist manifested. The swirls had begun to move faster, and become brighter. The humans in attendance shielded their eyes from the blinding light. The center of the swirl began to open and reveal a black void. The void opened above the heads of Kol and Klaus. The both of them watched closely as something or someone was falling through the void.

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In a last-moment decision, Kol dropped his untouched champagne flute to catch whatever was falling through. This did not go unnoticed by the eldest son, Finn. If it wasn't for Klaus, Kol would have lost his balance when he caught what seems to be an unconscious, young woman, dressed in a linen wrap with her hands and ankles bound. Both brothers looked the girl over but quickly averted their eyes from the girl due to the linen wrap being almost translucent. As fast as the mist appeared, it disappeared, leaving a confused audience.

Esther used her magic and cast a spell for the humans to forget what they saw and exit the mansion. Elijah had removed his coat to cover the woman. Kol took the mystery woman to a guest bedroom and laid her on the bed. He carefully removed the bindings from her hands and ankles as he scanned her body for any injuries, then covered her with a throw blanket. Kol stayed seated next to the woman on the bed, waiting for her to wake.

While this was going on the rest of the Mikaelsons and the Scooby Gang were arguing over what just happened. Esther was blaming Elena, thinking the doppelganger had brought the Bennett witch to the ball, and Elena was blaming everyone else.

Finn had stepped away from his mother to check on the poor girl, making sure his psychotic brother hadn't harmed her. To his surprise, Kol was seated next to the girl just observing her. Finn stood next to the bed and his youngest brother, "She seems out of place. Her garment looks like something the slaves wore when we were human." Kol nodded his head, "Hmm."

The two watched the girl sleep in silence, both lost in thought for different reasons. Kol felt an instant connection to the girl the moment she landed in his arms and he was confused. Finn was rethinking his involvement with their mother's plan. He wanted to die since he felt he has nothing to live for, but seeing Kol stare at the mystery woman waiting for her to wake instead of draining her dry gives him something to consider.

Finn was going to tell Kol what Esther had planned for them when the mystery woman's eyes fluttered open. They stayed as still as possible so as not to frighten her too bad considering she doesn't know them, or where she is. The woman slowly sat up and looked around. She started to panic when she realized she is somewhere unfamiliar. Turning to face the man next to her when he spoke, "Darling? Can you tell me your name?" She became even more panicked when she didn't recognize the language this man was speaking.

The arguing in the next room stopped when Kol was heard calling out, "She's awake." Everyone barged into the bedroom wanting to see this mystery woman. What they saw was Finn and Kol trying to coax a frightened, young woman out from the corner of the room. She was frantically looking around for a way to escape. "It's alright, we're not going to hurt you," Kol spoke in a softness his family didn't know he was capable of. Both he and Finn kept their hands in front of them, showing they are unarmed.

The woman scanned the many faces in the room before landing on Elena, and her eyes widened before she became angry, "Anck-su-namun." Her attention gets taken from the mistress look-a-like when the man in front of her speaks, "Darling, what are you saying? I don't understand." She frantically patted her chest, "Omorose." Then pointed to Elena, "Anck-su-namun." When Kol turned to follow where she was pointing he figured out what she meant, Kol then placed his own hand on his chest, "Kol." He pointed to the doppelganger and enunciated every syllable, "El-e-na."

Elena saw the woman's expression change from scared to angry when she saw her. Elena partly hid behind Damon, and whispered to him, "What does she mean? Is there another doppelganger we don't know about?" That question caught all of the supernatural beings' attention.

Omorose felt even more panicked and confused. She didn't know where she was or who these people were. They were all dressed strangely, and speaking a strange language. Then more people came in and now the room felt smaller. Omorose felt trapped. Like she couldn't breathe.

At that moment, Kol was getting irritated with the people hovering over him and the frightened, panicked woman, "Alright. Everyone out. Can't you see the poor girl is scared out of her mind? All of us surrounding her are not helping matters." Most of the group migrated to the study next door. Kol and Klaus stayed in the guest room with Omorose. They backed away to give her space.

Elijah had stepped into the hall so he could make a phone call. He called a young vampire with quite a few connections as well as the ability to find any information Elijah needed. It is why Slater is still walking the earth. "Slater, I need you to find a linguist. No questions asked," The Original said to the overly excited vampire. Slater knew the Original was fluent in several languages, so Elijah calling him in need of a linguist means to find someone with more expertise in the spoken or written word.

After a few moments of listening to Slater type on his laptop, "Yes sir. There's an expert in most spoken languages and a few dead ones. Evelyn O'Connell. I'm texting her contact info to you now. Is there anything else I can do for you, Elijah?" Feeling his phone vibrate from the text message, Elijah exhales, "That will be all at the moment. I will be in touch if I need to." He didn't wait for Slater to respond before hanging up.

Elijah entered the study with everyone. There were various conversations happening around the room. He went to stand in the middle to get everyone's attention. Looking at the number, Elijah noticed it originated in London. If the situation wasn't so dire he would hold off the phone call until an appropriate time.

Dialing the number, he put the phone up to his ear and listened to the rings. A rough-sounding man picked up the phone after the second ring, "Hello."  "Hullo, I do apologize for calling at such a late hour. My name is Elijah Mikaelson, and I believe we have a situation where we could use a little help. I'm looking for Evelyn O'Connell." Elijah patiently waited for an answer.

The sounds of shuffling came over the line and a female voice was heard, "This is Evelyn."

AN: The Mummy timeline has been brought up from 1926 to 2006.  In a debate about bringing Imhotep back.  I will be going into more detail about the change in the timelines next chapter.

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