( Strange urges )

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It was late in the afternoon, Hunter and Edric were sitting outside in the grass. Hunter was sitting in Edric's lap, his head leaning back and eyes closed. He was clearly napping, form feeling safe while being close to Edric.

He'd hardly been able to sleep in the past week, he kept have nightmares again. Along with a few relapses.

Edric wanted to do everything in his power to make Hunter feel better. And today was a good day to do so.

They were alone today, Camila had taken the others out for a bit. She asked if Hunter wanted to come but he declined, so Edric offered to stay behind with him. He thought it would be the perfect moment to help cheer Hunter up.

He offered for them to go outside for a bit, which Hunter agreed to. He liked being inside so Edric thought it would be perfect. And it was. They were both outside, just enjoying the day together.

Edric decided he'd wake Hunter up. He gently shook him, causing him to jump slightly and wake up. Edric chuckled, "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He said. Hunter yawned, "why'd you wake me up?" He asked, in a tired voice. "Just thought I should wake you, it's almost sun down." Edric said. Hunter groaned in annyonce and got up. "Alright. I guess I'm awake." He said, turning around and crossing his arms.

Edric chuckled and stood up, "if you want, we can go inside and you can take a nap in there." He suggested. "Nah, I'm already awake now. But I do want to go inside-" Hunter replied, Edric nodded I'm agreement and they went inside.

Hunter practically let himself fall onto to the couch, which caused Ed to laugh. Hunter sat up correctly, and leaned back against the couch. Edric walked over and sat next to him, taking his hand and holding it. Hunter blushed slightly and looked down. He was secretly screaming on the inside.

Edric laid his head against Hunter's shoulder. Hunter smiled to himself, he was actually feeling okay for once. Until he felt a sharp pain form his wrist.

"Ow-" he muttered pulling away from Edric and holding his wrist tightly. Edric looked at him confused, "What's wrong?" He asked tilting his head slightly. "My wrist is hurting all of a sudden..." Hunter replied, Edric sighed and took Hunter's hand, so if could examine his wrist. He pulled Hunter's sleeve up and noticed a few scars here and there, but there wasn't anything that seemed to actually be hurting him. "Doesn't seem to be- oh." Edric said noticing a small cut. Hunter looked confused, "It's nothing bad love. Just a small scratch. You must have gotten while we were outside." Edric said smiling softly. Hunter sighed in relief. "Come on, I'll held clean it up. It might have gotten dirt or something in it." Edric said standing up, Hunter nodded and got up as well.

Edric took Hunter to the bathroom. He grabbed the first aid kit and sat it on the counter. Hunter pulled his sleeve up, so Ed could disinfect the cut. "This feels familiar, huh?" Edric asked starting to clean the cut, Hunter chuckled. "Yeah, I can't remember all the times you're helped clean me up.." he said smiling softly. It was more of a painful smile. Edric sighed and put a bandaid on the scratch.

Hunter rubbed his his wrist slightly, Edric quickly pulled Hunter close. "You're okay Goldie.." He muttered kissing Hunter's head. Hunter sighed and smiled to himself. "Thanks Ed." He said, wrapping his arms around Edric's neck. Edric smiled and pulled Hunter into a kiss.

Hunter immediately kissed back, pulling himself closer and deeping the kiss. Edric was slightly caught of guard by this, Hunter doesn't normal throw himself at Edric like this.

Hunter quickly pulled away, his face red. Edric was just as red, not knowing exactly what to do in that situation. "I'm... Ganna go get a snack or something.." Hunter said before quickly walking out of the bathroom, muttering to himself. Edric quickly put the mid kit away and followed Hunter, stopping him in the hallway.

"Hunter, what was all that about?" Edric asked bluntly, Hunter blushed. "What was what all about??" He asked, clearly trying to play dumb. "Hunter- you've never practically thrown yourself at me before.. are you okay?" Edric asked worried. Hunter sighed and blushed more, "I don't know- I've just been having weird urges lately..." Hunter said leaning back against a wall. Edric blushed slightly, "S-so you- want to- umm.." Edric mumbled his face bright red. Hunter rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. "I shouldn't have said anything.." Hunter muttered getting ready to walk away, but Edric quickly grabbed him and pulled him close.

"You could've just said something ya know.. I would've helped.." Edric said placing a hand on Hunter's cheek. "I didn't know if you'd actually want to..." Hunter said, slight tears forming in his eyes. "Hunter, baby... of course I would.. you know I'd do anything for you.." Edric said kissing Hunter's head. Hunter blushed slightly, "Would you even be okay with it? Since you're gay and all.." Hunter asked while looking down. Edric blushed slightly, "Hunter, when I said I was gay, I meant I'd date any guy. Including trans ones." Edric said smiling slightly. Hunter pecked Edric's lips quickly.

"I don't want to force you into anything though..." Hunter mumbled. Edric chuckled softly, "You wouldn't be though. Hell, I'd be glad if I got to do something like that with you." Edric said, Hunter immediately turned bright red. "I- hahaha- I'm pretty sure I'm having what Lux calls, a gay panic-" Hunter muttered out. Edric laughed, "You're so adorable..." He muttered smiling.

"Shut up you're making it worst-" Hunter said blushing more. "What? I can't complement my own boyfriend?" Edric asked sarcastically. Hunter hide his face in Edric's shoulder. Edric smiled softly.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie or something." Edric said taking Hunter's hand and leading him to the living room. "Alright." He said chuckling softly.

Word Count: 1058


So- they basically talked about the fact they want to fuck each other. This will be important later on. Anyway I made this late at night so don't blame me if it's bad.

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