[ Hunter's & Vee's Scars ]

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Hunter hated his scars, he hated the way they looked, he hated how he'd gotten them, and he hated the memories surrounding them. He hated some more than others though. Like the one on his cheek and wrists.

He hated the ones on his wrists most. They severed as a reminder on what he did to himself. He wanted to forget where they came from but he couldn't. He wished he'd never done what he had did. He wished he just cried instead..

But he can't change the past. No one can.

Hunter sat up against a wall. He had his legs to his chest, and his head laying on them facing down. It was one of those days, where bad memories were the only thing to fill his mind. He hated days like this. But he was lucky enough to have a friend who understood his troubles.

Vee, she didn't have physical scars like Hunter did. She had emotional ones, ones that hurt whenever remembered. But she still understood how Hunter felt, she understood the pain of remembering. She had days where the memories would be to much for her as well. But she knew what to do.

Vee came over to Hunter holding a bowl of something. She sat down next to him and nudged him slightly. He looked up. He had tear streaks going down his cheeks, his eyes were red and tried, and so was he. He looked at Vee confused and dazed.

"I made you some soup. I know you're going through a lot, I thought I'd try and help." She said smiling softly, Hunter sat up and Vee gave him the soup. He still has trouble eating sometimes, but he was hungry, so it wouldn't hurt.

Hunter thanked Vee and took a spoonful of the soup. He continued eating, it was really good and he liked it a lot. He finished after awhile and thanked Vee again.

"I'm glad you liked it, I made it from scratch!" She said taking the bowl and setting it next to her. "I didn't know you could cook.." Hunter said quietly. "Camila showed me how! I leaned pretty quickly and started making stuff on my own." Vee said smiling brightly, Hunter smiled as well.

Vee and Hunter talked for awhile, they talked about things that make them feel comfortable and what made the happy. They got along great, they both had trauma, and they both shared it with each other.

After awhile Luz and Edric walked into the room, they were just talking until they saw Vee and Hunter. "Woah, since when do you two hang out?" Luz asked walking over and sitting next to Vee. Edric walked over and sat next to Hunter, holding his hand. "Hunter was having a bad day so I thought I'd give him some soup to make him feel better!" Vee said smiling. "I didn't know you could cook." Edric said looking slightly confused, Hunter chuckled. "Hunter said the same thing, Camila taught me." Vee said smiling brightly.

"Do you know how to make any Spanish dishes yet?" Luz asked curiously. "I know how to make tamales! But that's about it." Vee replied. "What's a- tamale?" Hunter asked tilting his head slightly. Vee and Luz chuckled and explained what it was to them.

They all continued talking until Luz had to go do something. Vee wanted to help so she said goodbye to Hunter and Edric, and followed Luz. Hunter and Edric were left alone, they didn't mind though.

"So are you ganna tell me why you were having a bad day or..." Edric said causing Hunter to freeze up. He didn't want Edric to worry about him, but he is his boyfriend so he kinda has to tell him.

"I umm..it's hard to explain.." Hunter said fidgeting with his fingers. Edric smiled softly, "Just explain the best you can." He said kissing Hunter's head. Hunter stopped fidgeting and flipped his hand over, revealing the scars on his wrist. Edric's eye's widened for a moment.

"I umm...bad memories..I guess." Hunter muttered taking a deep breath, Edric lifted Hunter's arm to look at the scars closely. Hunter watched confused and nervously. Edric smiled softly and kissed Hunter's scars. Hunter blushed and looked surprised.

"You're scars are beautiful, Hunter.." Edric muttered continuing to kiss his boyfriend's scars. Hunter blushed and sniffled, Edric looked at him and smiled slightly. Hunter hugged onto Edric and sniffled again. Edric kissed Hunter's head and rubbed his back.

After a moment Hunter looked up at Edric, Edric pecked Hunter's lips, and kissed the scar on his cheek. Hunter smiled slightly and kissed Edric, Edric wrapped his arms around Hunter and pulled him close.

Luz and Vee walked back into the room at the exact same moment. "Gay!" Luz shouted witch caused the two boys to jump and pull apart. Luz snickered and Vee elbowed her side.

"Alright alright! Sorry- go back to making out I guess." Luz said holding her side in pain. Edric chuckled and held Hunter close. "You ruined the moment!" Hunter said in an annoyed tone, "Bite me" Luz said sticking her tongue out at him. Hunter quickly pecked Edric's lips before getting up and chasing after Luz.

Vee chuckled and followed behind them to make sure no one got hurt.

Edric smiled and blushed staying put. Titan he loved Hunter.

Word Count: 901

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