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It has been an hour since I found out Sebastian and I are alone in the manor and I have been reading a book for the last half hour. Why you might ask, well because that's the only way to destract myself from our situation. I heard someone come inside the library, knowing it was Sebastian, I didn't look up and pretend to read. Every now and then I'd glance at Sebastian to see what he was doing but we didn't talk. "Sebastian" I said, breaking the silence, and looking up from my book.

He looked at me with his signature smirk, "Yes, Becky~" he spoke in a flirtish tone, making heat rise to my cheeks.

"S-shouldn't we be looking for Ciel and everyone?" I asked trying not to look at him as he leaned on the desk in the middle of the room, bookcases surrounding the desk

"Are you worried about them?" He asked me with a 'poker face' on.

"No, I just....wanted to talk to you," I said quietly, although I knew Sebastian heard me either way.

His perfect eyebrows rose again as he smirked, "Becky~ If you wanted to talk you could have just told me~" He said smirking as he took a step closer to me, I stood up and made my way around the chair.

"I-I," I started trying to think of a way out of this, 'You stupid girl, why did you say that!' I thought with a blush. Sebastian walked even closer to me and I took another step back, "It's okay Becky~ You don't have to lie to me~" He said as he took another step, making me step closer to the wall that was getting really close to me now.

"I j-just wanted to converstate," I said honestly, I didn't expect this to happen...okay maybe I did but still. Anyway he took another step closer to me and I stepped farther away from him. "Oh~ I know what we could converstate over~" He said with a grin as he walked even closer. I gulped and stepped back and my back hit the wall and I looked for another way I could excape. "I-I don't want to talk right now though..." I said to quickly and his smirk widened and his eyebrows rose again. Crap, I'm dead. Suddenly he was in front of me and he cupped my face with his hands and he leaned in, "Then we don't have to talk," he whispered and kissed me on my lips, pressing his firm yet soft lips on my chapped ones. He bit my bottom lip and I gasped, letting him inside my mouth. At that very moment Ciel opened the door, we -Sebastian and I- sprong apart and Ciel just stared at the two of us shocked. "W-what where you two doing?" He asked, his voice filled with suprise and there was a pink tint on his cheeks.

"We were kissing young master," Sebastian said recovering from the shock of Ciel showing up like that.

Ciel blushed more and I did as well, "I-I know that! Why where you two kissing in my library!" He yelled glaring at Sebastian.

"" Sebastian tried to think of something to say.

"C-Ciel," I managed out still blushing. Both Sebastian and Ciel looked at me, "C-can I go now?" I asked as I looked at him. Ciel nodded but returned his glare to Sebastian, "Sebastian, you are to remain in here and explain, am I understood?" Ciel said as I exited the room.

~Sebastian's POV~

As Becky left the room I felt my heart beat decrease and I saddened slightly but I didn't let it show because the young master was staring at me, "Explain why." He said looking at me.

"Because I'm in love with her young master," I said honestly, never in my life would I thought I would fall in love again but here I am, in love once again.

The young master blushed slightly, "J-just don't kiss in my library or in front of me ever again, do you hear me?" Young master asked me and I nodded, "Yes My Lord," I said and knelt to one knee and crossed my hand over my heart and looked up at him. "N-now go make me my afternoon tea and cake, Lizzy came over earlier and I wasn't able to eat or drink my afternoon tea or cake." The young master ordered me.

"But my lord, you might spoil your dinner, it's already cooking," I said honestly. He frowned and grumbled a small "Fine" then went over to one of the book shelves and picked out a book, "You may leave now," he said and I got up, "Yes, my lord," And left the room. A question arrising within me, how did I not sence him coming?

~Back to Becky's POV~

I sat on my bed, criss-cross-apple-cause and thought of Sebastian kissing me for what seemed like the millionth time, I felt my cheeks heat up and thought aloud, "Why did he kiss me?..." I whispered aloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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