I'm in the 18th century?!

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I slowly sat up in my queen sized bed and looked over to my right at my alarm clock, it read 2:00, I yawned and got up in my fathers t-shirt and went down the stares sleepily, nearly tripping on each one, when I finally got all the way down the stares and across the landing then down 4 more steps, I let out another yawn and sleepily made my way into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, pulled the tea container out and placed it on the counter, got a cup, and pored me some tea. The tea was cold but it felt good against my soar throat, I drank the rest of my cup of tea and put the container back into the refrigerator, and moved my way slowly, back up to my room. It was dark, and the cold, hard floors creaked under my weight, I saw a bright light coming from my parents room, I moved over to the light to see my mom and dad sleeping soundly, I smiled and turned off the lights and closed the door, moved back to my room and crawled back into the warm, bed and grabbed my stuffed animal I always slept with, and placed it under my head and slowly waited for the sleep to come.


I opened my hazel eyes to see a place I know every well, Fort Polk, Louisiana. My best friend, Sira, smiling at me, her dirty blonde long hair flowing behind her. I smiled and started walking toward her, she started walking toward me too and right as we were about to come together she passed me, I turned and saw her walking to a woman I have never seen, her eyes were the color yellow as a cat, she had black curly, sort hair. They smiled at each other and continued walking to a building I also never seen, I stared at them confused, then the woman with black hair smiled back at me and waved at me, I looked around, I usually had dreams like these, seeing what's happening with other people and it's usually true but no one should be able to see me, 'maybe I'm just seeing things? never know,' I thought. The woman smiled at me, this time an evil smile and wrapped her arms around Sira, Sira, like usual just moved her arm away from her, she frowned at this. I smiled knowing Sira's just like normal, I laughed, the woman glared at me, I shivered. She smiled once again, she was about to do something and then, I heard a voice, "Becky! wake up!" first it was like a whisper then it got louder and louder then everything went black.

~end off dream~

"Becky! wake up! Mommy told me to wake you up!" my little sister, Isabel, yelled in my ear, my eyes shot open and I almost grabbed her but she ran out of the room laughing. I sat up, now in a bad mood, we where going to go to the new school in a week and I was looking forward to school so much just to get away from my little sister who is 7 now and my little brother who is 9 now, his name is Gabriel although we just call him Gabe. I got up, stretched and made my way down the stares, I made it into the kitchen and asked, "Mom, what are we having?" she looked down, okay I'm shorter than my mom but don't judge me, but that doesn't mean I'm even close to as weak as her. But I'm more shy in front of people but that will change over time.....I believe. "Oh~ Becky, Honey, we're having Bacon, eggs, and pancakes," my mom informed me, even though I have a small body for an almost 13-year-old, I have an appetite for one though, my mom always asks me, "Where does all that food go to?" I always just shrug but lately I'm starting to worry. Mom always jokes saying that I'll have to stay in the hospital until they find out what's wrong with me but the truth is that I am terrified of them, I can't really remember anything from when I was a kid but I have always been terribly afraid of them, that I know.

I sat down on the chair, and began to eat hungrily, then I noticed everyone staring at me, "What?" I asked, my mom just sighed and continued making the pancakes and bacon behind me, my dad just looked down and complained, "Someone took my bacon," we all laughed except him, "D-Daddy, you ate them already," I reminded him, he looked down at him plate and said sadly, "Are you sure?" we all nodded, he threw up his arms and said, "I didn't eat the bacon," he pointed at me, "Becky took mine," he said trying to make Mom get him another but she new this and laughed, "Uh-huh, I'll make you another, okay so don't start blaming Casper," he nodded and replied, "Maybe I should next time," Mom rolled her eyes and dropped 3 bacon on his plate, "and don't 'lose' them this time," Dad nodded and ate them slowly this time, Mom placed another 3 on my plate, I smiled and thanked her, she placed 2 one Gabe's plate and 1 one Isabel's plate there was 3 left over for Mom, she ate them with some eggs and 1 pancake. I left the table and went up into my room, opened my curtains to see a the old hospital, although they don't use it for one anymore.

I took a look around my room, boxes more boxes and more boxes with my name on it. I groaned, and moved over to the nearest box and ripped it open, I peered into it, there was nothing inside except a... locket? I picked it up, it was a golden locket, I tried to open it but it wouldn't open. I sighed, and put it on my bed, I looked at my bed covers, it was Sebastian (Sebastian from Black Butler, an anime) I smiled and moved to another box, and ripped it open, it was full of my clothes. I put them into my dresser after I put on the song, 'Glad you came' and hummed to it while putting away my clothes and other personal things. "Mom! Becky's not unpacking!" Isabel yelled poking her head into my room, I just stopped to play 'Headphones' on my computer. I rolled my eyes, "You know, "  I started, "Your not cleaning if your peaking on me, " I grinned and she bit her lip, she stomped to her room down the hallway, I smiled knowing I won and stared unpacking more when I opened a box that had a picture of Sira, Olive, my other friend, Destine, another friend, and me standing in a heart from my first Valentines dance, I smiled remembering the dance and how we got one for each person and me being camera shy but them dragging me onto the dance floor and over to where they where taking the pictures and them trying to force me off my seat again to make my dance and me holding on a nearby railing for dear life. I frown remembering their faces and how sad they looked, then the music stopped again and I replayed it, "Mom! were is the scissors?!" I yelled, "Their hiding!" she yelled back, "Oh! Okay! tell me if you find them!" I yelled. I sat down on the bed and looked at the locket again, it seemed to have this curtain glow to it, I picked it up again and rubbed some of the dirt that was on it and found a little button while getting the dirt off of it. I pushed it and then it opened with a loud 'Pop' and was about to look at it more when my mom came into my room, "Hey Becky, Honey, " she saw the locket and asked, "Where did you get that?" I shrugged and pointed over at the empty box, "It must have been your Grandmother's, " Mom told me, "Oh~," I told her and looked down at it for the first time moving my dark brown hair out of my hazel eyes, then everything started to spin, and my body felt numb all of a sudden and then I saw Mom reaching out for me and then my vision blackened.

I'm in the 18th century?!Where stories live. Discover now