Chapter 8

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Katy's POV

My alarm goes off.
5:50 am
And I am just completely exhausted. My eyes are red and puffy from just crying all night. I roll out of bed and find whatever looks clean and throw it on. I stumble down the stairs, still fuzzy with sleep.

"Hey, are you okay?" Crystal asks me.

I wipe my eyes, "yea I'm alright."

"You don't look it.." She says trailing
"I heard the sobs last night Katy, I was knocking on your door, for an hour, but you didn't answer, I thought the worst case scenario, but thank god you're alright." She looks into my eyes lovingly and sisterly like.

I draw in a breath, and look Crystal in the eye, "It's Dakota.." I say letting the breath out, sharp and jagged.

"Oh Katy, I'm so sorry!" She says pulling me into a hug.

I hug her, tight.

"Are you sure you want to go in today?"

"Yes I do."
We get ready, grab a quick breakfast, brush our teeth and head off to the bus stop. We wait, for the bus, it comes and we board it, it takes us a 1/2 mile away from the school, we walk up to the school. And enter. I don't stop at my locker, I go straight to the music room.
The door is closed, I knock, and go in.

"Hi Katy!, how are you?" She says with a smile on her face, "you're a bit early, but that's alright."

"Hi Ms. Cornish." I sigh "I'm fine.." I say flatly.

She looks at me skeptically.

"You don't seem okay, do you want too talk about it?" She asks sympathetically, she walks over and sits in the desk beside me like she did yesterday. I turn to her. And look at her. I fight back tears.

"L-last night, I got a call." I stutter

"From who Katy?" Ms. Cornish asks.

I breathe in deep, "my ex, my abusive bitch of an ex..." I look over at Ms. Cornish, she's quiet, "and...she wants me back, for what? So she can just beat the shit out of me again? Cause me problems. To bring me down, cause more pain when my life is finally better. Give me mind trips, tell me she loves me but then hurts me again." I look over at Ms. Cornish again, tears pricking at my water line, "and you know the worst part? She beat me just months before I came here! She hit me with her brass knuckles." I take off my sweatshirt and show her my scars, the two side by side. I point out the first one, that was the one she did when she slapped me, I moved to the other and that's the one that happened, she was inches from my face. I show her how close it was measuring my fingers.

"Oh Katy, I'm so so sorry!, I'm happy you're okay now, you deserve someone who will treat you right." She says in the most sympathetical voice. She places her hand on my scars.
I turn my whole body around and face her.

"Who do I deserve then?" I say softly, "everyone I have been with has either hurt me, or leaves me, or even both."

I feel the tears run down my cheeks.
She's quiet, and before I get a chance to speak, she kisses me, her warm, soft lips touch mine. Soft, slowly and sweetly, I close my eyes and indulge in the perfect moment just now. She pulls away.

She looks flustered after.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!, I should have never of done that. It was wrong." She says embarrassed. "Honestly, I have liked you from day 1 which was yesterday I know, but you seem sweet, and amazing, I'm sorry. I just love you." She says, red coming to her cheeks.

I smile, "Ms. Cornish, it's okay, to be honest, I love you too. Even if it has been a day, I can't help my feelings for you." I say with a shy smile.

"I'm still sor-" I interrupt her and kiss her again. Just as I do, the bell rings we pull away and she goes back too her desk, before everyone comes in she gives me here number and winks at me.
I smile up at her.

"Call me Jessie." She says with a smile, just before the first person comes into the room.

Can you keep a secret? (Teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now