Chapter 21

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Jessie's POV

We follow the address that is on the random note. I break in the empty, forsaken car park of the warehouse. It stands at least 30 ft tall in the industrial side of London, an old factory during the second Industrial Revolution. Through weathering and wear the factory has become a rusty burnt orange colour with the words long been gone. There is only just a faint hint as to what the factory was called. But that too has wearied away and become invisible. 
"Let's go get Katy!" Crystal says, beginning to bust through the car door.
"Hold your horses, love!" I halt her. "Let me go, and if I am not back within the next hour or the police. Please leave before they arrive, I do not want you all getting into this mess."  The three teenagers nod acknowledging my words. I close the car door, and begin my walk toward the factory. The wind picks up and debris drifts through the abandoned car park. The eeriness of it only makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. The front door to the warehouse is bolted shut, and rusted. "If I were to enter that way, I would sure give myself away." I say under my breath.
I stalk around to the side of the warehouse, where the loading dock would be. Sticking out of the cracked and worn pavement is rusty railroad tracks. I look around and find a busted out window above the roof of the loading dock. I eye a way to climb up there. I find old dumpsters that are tall enough for me to reach the roof. I scale my way up and gently and carefully sneak through the busted window on to the cat walk. I creep through, being as silent as a mouse. I stalk along, inching closer to a glowing light in the center. I feel the back of my pocket to make sure my gun is still secured in the back of my jeans. I draw closer to the light, and see Katy, beaten, tied up and weak. I see a dark figure in front of her. The light reveals Dakota. Off in the distant of the warehouse, heels click and draw closer to Katy and Dakota.
"She still hasn't shown up has she?" Jades voice rings out.
"No." Dakota says flatly.
"She will be coming. I know she will!" Katy says in a testimonial voice.
"It's been 4 days and your 'knight in shining armor' has yet to show her face."  Dakota hisses, air quotations around the knight phrase.
"Shouldn't we just let her go?" Dakota says.
"No, not until Jessie gets here and we negotiate." Jade snips.
"Negotiate what?" Katy and Dakota both ask.
"Whether Katy gets to live or not." Jade says, then laughs maniacally. Katy's face is drained and is pale as a ghost, Dakota smile twists in a devilish way. My stomach aches and my heart plummets and is corroded by the acid lining my stomach. I must act fast. Before they harm her. I quietly tip-toe down the metal grated stairs and unto the the main level of the building. I flatten myself out along the rusted metal crates and sneak over to where Katy is being held.
She looks up and her eyes lock on to me. She doesn't give a facial expression but her eyes smile at me. A relieved look in her beautiful blue eyes. I slowly emerge myself into the light.
"Ah! The guest of honour has hath arrived to claim her precious prize!" Jade says in a tone that's frighteningly psychotic.
"Yes, I have Jade." I say sternly, standing up straight.
She laughs like Harley Quinn and it sends a chill down my spine.
"Well, you'll have to try harder to get her back." She says.
"What do you mean?" I say, panic rising in my stomach, of what she means by that.
Before I have time to think. The crack of a glock cuts through the still warehouse air. The bullet whizzes past me. I catch my breath in my throat. Katy looks hysterical and Dakota is grinning an evil toothy grin. My heart rate is beating out of my chest, and I know Jade can tell because she smiles and laughs sadistically. We all star at one another. My eyes lock onto Katy, who is pleading for help. I look into Jade's eyes. She's not the same. Her eyes are filled with insanity and evil. She's not who she used to and she has changed for the worse. Is it my fault that she's mad? I left her for good reason. She's the one who did all of this and pushed me away. She was the one who betrayed me in the most unfaithful and unforgivable way. I only wanted to be happy, and she made me happy, but no longer does she. Katy is my light, my star to guide me home. My actions may be justified in my eyes but, not in a way that will be positively justifiable in the eyes of another.
I inhale deeply and swiftly pull out my gun and shoot back. The crack of my gun rings out through the still and chilling air, and to my surprise. It hits her. Her smile vanishes at the speed of lightning. She looks down at her chest. A perfect bullet hole where it entered. The blood quickly spills from her open wound. I glance at Dakota & Katy. Who are in complete utter shock. For some reason. I feel no remorse, but I feel...satisfied? Jade's body hits the cat walk metal with a heavy mechanical thud. Dakota pulls out her gun and aims it at Katy's head.
"Go ahead Jessie. Shoot Me!" Dakota growls. "I'll go, and so won't she. It'll look like you killed all of us and not just Jade." She says, and she's right.
I hear the sound of sirens in the distance. My eyes lock onto Katy's and hers unto mine. I smile at her and a tear slips from my eye. She's the one I will wait for.
Moments later. The police bust through the door with a battering ram and barricade all sides.
"DROP ALL OF YOUR WEAPONS!" The officer shouts at all of us. As he aims his fire arm at Dakota and I.
I place my hands in the air and so doesn't Dakota. Officers rush in and help Katy out of her restraints. She stands but wobbles and stumbles. The officers help her walk out. An officer scouts the area and finds a pool of blood under the cat walk, he looks up and finds Jade's lifeless body laying there, pale and stiff.
He turns back sharply, eyes piercing me. He speaks into his walkie on his shoulder. "Ya, we have a body here. Far from revival." Two officers come up behind me and cuff me. Katy runs toward me.
"Please don't take her." She pleads  to the officers.
"Pleas back away, miss." Officer one says.
"Wait a minute, how old are you?" Officer two looks at her.
She blushes, "17." She says quietly.
He nods, then looks at his fellow. They drag me away. Katy chases after.
"Jessie, please explain to them!" Tears beginning to stream down her cheeks.
"I'll try, but it won't turn out in my favour." I tell her, being honest.
"Miss, please step away." The officers voice stern. One officer steps in front of her, blocking her.
She collapses onto the ground and sobs a horrible cry.
My heart shatters.
I am pushed into the back of the cruiser, the door shutting forcefully when I am secured.
Minutes later, an ambulance darts into the parking lot, and medics rush out quickly, soon bringing out Jades lifeless body in a body bag.
Memories of all we were flash before my mind and I feel a tear slip from my waterline and down my cheek. It drops down and lands on my thigh.
I have ruined everything.
But, thankfully, the kids listened to me and are gone from the scene.
Now I must await my sentence.

Hey my lovely readers. I have heard your pleas and have finny had a chance to update. Sorry it's taken so long, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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