Chapter 19

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Katy's POV

I wake up, not knowing where I am. The room is dark and cold. I'm laying on top of someone, until I remember I feel asleep on top of Jessie. I pull a blanket on top of us. I smile and kiss her sleeping face. Then nuzzle next to her and fall back to sleep. I wake up a few more hours later and find myself laying on my pillows. With a blanket covering my body. I sit upright in the bed, letting the blanket cover my lower body. I look around my room, Jessie isn't in the bed with me, but she did move me and place a blanket on me. I look to my left and find a letter on the end table.
Which reads:

Dear Katy,
I went to get breakfast for all of us. I'll be back in about an hour, depending on where I go. See you soon.
Kisses, Jessie :)

The note makes me smile a big smile.
I crawl out of the bed and make my way down to the den. Which still smells like marijuana, but stagnant. I see Maggie, sprawled out on the couch, while Crystal is laying atop of Brandon. I glance over at the clock. 10:45 A.M the clock on the cable box reads.
Damn it we are gonna be late for school! My subconscious yells at me. Until my conscious mind tells me it's Saturday. I breath in deep and relax. But my relaxation is cut short by rapid banging at the door.
I stalk slowly over to the door. I look through the little eye hole, but nobody is there. I begin to walk away until another round of knocking commences. Again I go back and look, this time I open the door and look in both directions, when suddenly I get tackled in the door way and land painfully on the hard wood floor. The persons hands cups my mouth so I can't scream. I kick and punch, but they are stronger than I am. I try and make noise to wake my friends but they are passed out cold. No chance of waking up. I look up at the person with pleading eyes, I can't tell who it is because they are wearing a black mask that covers their whole face.
"You're coming with me." The person says ominously through a distorted voice.
"No!" I scream but it comes out muffled by they're hand.
"Shut up." The person growls, and I feel a sharp point come up to my neck. I feel hot tears begin to prick my water line and slip down my cheeks. "Please don't kill me." I beg. They ignore me and put a chocker in my mouth so no body can hear me, hand cuff my hands together, then something over my head and then all I see is darkness. Then my body is lifted up of the ground and I am taken by my hand cuffed hands and dragged until I hear bustling from the outside world. It doesn't last long until I am pushed into the back of a van. I fall hard onto the cold, unforgiving metal floor. I struggle to sit up. The big metal doors slam shut and the noise echo's slightly in the back of the van, or, what I presume to be the back. As quickly as I was pushed into the back the van goes speeding off and I tumble back from the momentum, I roll and hit my head on the metal doors, I see stars in the dark and shortly it becomes increasingly darker.
By the time I become conscious again, the van has stopped. I sit silently and listen. All I can hear is the ringing that increases in my ear canal. It feels like an eternity, until someone pulls the black cloth off my head. It takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the dim light setting, and I notice I am not in the van, but tied into a wooden chair. My hands still hand cuffed and behind the chair. The gag is still in my mouth. I struggle in the chair rocking it back and fourth and leaning it side to side, and leaning left and right. When suddenly...boom, I find myself tipped backwards and I'm on the floor.
"Tisk Tisk...that'll never do." The ominous and distorted voice calls from some direction I can put my mind on. The only light in the room is the one that shines directly above me.
"Let me out of here!" I shout through out the room trying to make it loud enough through the gag.
"You mustn't leave so soon, oh wait, you can't leave." The voice replays back with maniacal laughter. "You won't be leaving for awhile." The voice adds.
"Stop being so torturous." Another dark and ominous voice talks to the other. "Pick up the chair as well." It demands
I feel myself being lifted back up. Once I am stable again, a see a figure standing in front of me. They look like someone from the Purge movies, with the masks and the clothing that screams "50's Housewife."
"Do you remember me?" The voice behind the mask asks. I shake my head no.
"Well, maybe this will help." They say as they lift the mask and disconnects the voice distortion mechanism.
"Jade!" I shout muffled.
"Take off the gag." She commands the person behind me.
They come up behind me and take off the gag, which isn't very gentle.
"Why are you going this?" I ask, as I shoot daggers at Jade.
"Why are you doing this?" I plead.
"Because, if I can have Jessie...nobody can."
"Are you fucking serious Jade?" I nearly shout.
"I've been with her for two years, and I regret doing what I did I really do. I just hate seeing her happy with someone else."
I groan.
"Are you for real? My god, seriously?!" I snap. "You cheated on her for months behind her back, she did everything for you, and you were so ungrateful." I yell at her. Jade raises her chin and directs her attention to whoever the other person is. They come around and back hand me across my face. I screech in pain. "Why are you doing this?" I cry in pain, so badly wanting to hold my throbbing face. 
"I must demolish her happiness if I am to become her happiness again." Jade laughs.
"You're fucking insane Jade, you know that right?" I jeer.
"The voices are telling me to ignore you." She says beginning to walk away.
"You're fucking crazy! You bitch!" I shout after her.
"Go ahead and take a few swings at her." Jade shouts to the person that is helping her.
"Can do." The voice says ominously.
The person comes into my line of vision, they begin to raise a fist. Before I can react I feel the air leave my lungs as I get a sucker punch to the stomach.
The next hit comes in contact with my cheek. The blows keep coming.
"P-please, stop." I whimper, feeling pain all through my upper body.
"Stop." I hear Jade tell the person that has been beating me.
They sigh and pull away from me.
"Should probably work on that ransom note for Jessie." The distorted voice says maniacally. 
I feel blood slowly trickle from my nose and down my chin. My blood tastes metallic and salty. My vision blurs and I fall asleep.

Jessie's POV

I make it back to Katy's place. With breakfast for everyone. To my surprise the door is wide open. I remember closing it before I left. I enter the room with caution. Everyone is looking worried and shocked.
"What's wrong?" I ask everyone, whilst I put the teas and coffees and muffins down on the kitchen table.
"Katy's not here." Crystal says, worry filling her voice.
"She wasn't in her room." Maggie chimes in.
"We've been texting her phone. But we discovered that it was under her pillow." Brandon adds.
"We have no way of finding her." Crystal cries.
I feel my heart stings begin to break.
"She couldn't have gone far." I try to reassure them.
"Do you think she could be at the pub down the street?" Crystal wonders out loud.
"This early in the day?" Maggie asks Crystal skeptically.
"Katy has never really been a big drinker." Crystal realises.
"Maybe she went for walk?" Brandon asks.
"Possibly." I say.
"She'd usually write a note or something." Crystal says, worry filling her voice once again.
"Well, let's wait a little while and see what happens." Maggie says.
"While we wait, are you guys at all hungry?"
"I'm starving!" Brandon wails.
"Well, I have doughnuts, coffee and muffins for you all." I tell them.
They horde into the kitchen like ravenous wild animals.
"If I didn't know, I'd think you guys have been starving your whole lives." I joke. They all chuckle.
After the kids finish their breakfast we all migrate into the den and decide to watch T.V.
Maggie sits next to me.
"So you're not at all mad that Katy and I made out for like 2 minutes?" She asks me with a concerned voice.
I smirk.
"No not at all, it's okay, it was truth or dare." I respond.
"Okay good." She says feeling relieved.
We watch random T.V shows for a few hours.
Katy still has not returned, and I begin to worry even more than I was before.

I really hope she's okay.

Can you keep a secret? (Teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now