Scuba diving

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Barbie's POV

I glanced behind my shoulder.

I scanned the area quickly only to see a familiar looking woman.

I didn't know where I saw her but I knew that I knew her from somewhere.

"Earth to Barbie!" Skipper called and I turned towards her, "What has you spaced out?"

I shrugged. "N-nothing," I said.

"How about we spend some time doing something scuba diving?" Stacie exclaimed.

Skipper groaned. "Not this again," she said under her breath.

"Hey don't worry...I can come in case you need help. After all it's not my first time scuba diving," Seth suggested causing Skipper to blush as I snickered.

"Sure, Seth. That would be nice," I replied.

As we were walking, I took a quick glance back for good measure but the familiar looking woman was gone. So I just concluded that must have been my imagination.

Right then I felt a hand on my shoulder that startled me.
I turned around to see Ken.

" everything alright? You looked stressed out," he said.

"M-me? Stressed out?! No, I'm fine," I laughed nervously.

He gave me a suspicious look....meaning he didn't believe me.

I just couldn't come at him and tell him....
"Oh hey Ken! The reason why I act weird is because of all of the trainings I've been through in a spy agency! Oh and did I mention that I am a spy?!"

That would totally mess things up!

"Alright....if you say so," Ken shrugged....not looking pleased that I lied to him.

I sighed as I shook my head.

Time Skip.
Some time later

Brooklyn rented a speed boat from the nearby rental shop. Ken offered to drive it since he has the experience and they all piled in on the vehicle.

We all reached the coral reef soon enough and they began our scuba trek underwater to see all the marine life.

After getting ready we were prepared to dive.

"You excited, huh?" Ken asked me.

I sighed in relief that he wasn't upset with me.

I chuckled. "Yeah....why wouldn't I be?"
"Listen...about what happened-," I tried to say but Ken placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey.... it's alright! Just if something's bothering know I'll be here for you," he said offering a smile.

I nodded in understanding and gave a smile.

I quickly glanced at Skipper who had her mini camera.

"She's still taking pics for her blog?" Ken chuckled.

"Yep....I wonder what will happen if she wouldn't have her tablet for just one day," I said.

“That sounds like a nightmare,” he jokes heartily. “Let’s try not to let that happen.”

He takes my hand in his as he stands up. “Wanna jump in together?”

I chuckled as I nodded.
"Of course!"

He took my hand and I blushed.
"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded and with that we both jumped.

Under the water, Brooklyn grouped with Stacie and Skipper, while Teresa & Renee, and Daisy  and Nikki paired up and went to explore. Leaving me with Ken, and Skipper with Seth.

We all took pictures of the beautiful sea life they saw. Everyone was having a good time and

I looked at all the fascinating sea creatures and the view was so enjoyable.

After being there for an hour or so I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I glanced up to see Ken.
With that we went back to the boat.


Renee and Teresa came across a fishing boat and found it a bit suspicious to be circling the same area they were exploring.

“Don’t you think it’s strange that this fishing boat is not out there in the deeper sea,” Renee said.

“Yeah.” Teresa narrowed her eyes. “The bottom of this reef isn’t even that deep and there aren’t a lot of big fish here.”

“Let’s go check it out.”

At the fishing boat, Joe and Marty were ordered by Dunbar to spy on the teens. Hopefully their disguises were enough to hide them.

“Oh no, Joe.” Marty quivered through his scopes. “Two of the girls are headed this way.”

“Quiet, Marty!” Joe hushed him through the thick fake beard he wore. “Just act natural!”

“Excuse me, sir?” Renee waved at them from the water politely. “I think you’re ways off from the actual fishing sites.”

Seth was chatting with Skipper when he saw the boat.

"Hey guys!" Skipper beamed at Renee and Teresa.

"I don't think they're here for fishing," Seth said, "I met them near here when I last time came here. They're lifeguards. They're working for my uncle and are in charge of making sure that all guests are safe."

“Oh!” Teresa exclaimed the laughed nervously. “You’ll have to excuse us. We just thought you guys were lost.”

“It’s no problem, Miss.” The man with the beard tipped his hat and spoke in a deep voice. “We’re sorry too if we startled you. We’ll be on our way now.”

“Well that was a bust.” Renee sighed as they went back to their boat. “I thought for sure they were following us.”

“Let’s just be grateful that they weren’t.” Teresa pats her back.

A/N: Wow! I only started writing this thing on Wattpad and all of you started supporting me with your pawsome comments as if your lives depended on it!!😉😀😆

Thank you guys SOOOOOOO much!!

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