Back on the track

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Barbie's POV

I never knew that when someone's locked up in a prison cell, time passes so slowly.

Even though I it must've been half an hour....or at the most one hour since I was locked up, it felt like.....hours!

"Well...well...well!" I heard a voice said.
I stood up as I tried to see who was there.

I narrowed my eyes as I saw Marlo alongside with Pearlman and Vlad.

"How do you like this place?" Marlo sneered.

I rolled my eyes as I casually waved my hand.
"By looking at this place I feel like you're all broke," I mocked, "Like come on! How much does all of the repairs cost?"

"We really don't put much of a fund for prisoners... that's why," Pearlman said through his gritted teeth.

I shrugged. "Well....guess you have to go to this place again once you're all caught."

Marlo glared at me. "Let's go. Boss will deal with her once we succeed."
With that they all left.

I groaned.
Come on!! There has to be a way out!

But before I could do anything I heard sounds of footsteps.

"Hey let us go!"

I gasped recognizing the voice.

"Ken?" I called. I grabbed the bars trying to get the lock move.

I took a couple of steps back as I tried to calm down.

Right then the door was opened.
And then Ken and Seth were pushed inside.

I rushed over Ken.
"I told you to stay back," I snapped at him who smiled awkwardly.

"The party is now do you like this place," Dunbar laughed darkly.

I looked up to glare at him.
"What do you want? I'm the one you wanted...and I'm here. There's no need to involve anyone else. And what other sick plan do you have that involves us?" I growled.

"All in time, Barbie. For now make yourself comfortable...because probably it's the last night of your life," he sneered as I gasped.

With that he left.

I sighed. This couldn't get any worse.

“I’m sorry, Barbie.” Ken rubbed at his arm shyly. “I know I should have stayed back but I had this feeling that something was about to go wrong and I wanted to protect you.”

I smiled, even if what he did was reckless, it was the thought that counts. “Well, we can’t do anything about that now but I’m glad you’re not harmed.”

"I'm sorry for dragging you all to this mess....I messed up so bad," I said as I covered my face with my hands.

Ken sat beside me.
"Barbie...remember the time when we had to solve the mystery of that escape room....the one about the time machine?"

I looked up at him.

"I know this is a big mess....and none of us saw it coming," Ken said as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "But we'll figure it out! We always did!"

I smiled at him a bit.

He always knows how to make me feel better.

“Ahem!” Seth coughed from beside us causing us to jump out of our skin. “Sorry to interrupt your moment. But we’re currently locked in a cell and Dunbar is about to do God-knows-what to us.”

I idea crossed my mind....a way to escape.
I grabbed the slap on bracelet on my wrist. I unfurled it and it immediately turns into my Gliss.

Ken and Seth jumped back in surprise.

“Thank you, Lazlo,” I murmured under my breath.

Since the lock picking didn’t work earlier I was just gonna have to bust my way out the hard way.

I jammed one end of my Gliss between the door’s hinges and started to pull it like a crowbar.

“A little help would be nice!” I growed at the two boys. “Seth! Ken! Give me a hand here!”

“I gotcha!” Ken runs over and helps with the pulling.

“Yeah, me too!” The kid also lends his aid. “And it’s Blake by the way. I’m really sorry for tricking you and Skipper.”

“Apologize later!” I grunted. “Yank it harder!!”

Finally the door groaned and the hinges popped out of their sockets. The heavy metal door breaks open.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

The three of us wander outside the prison cell.

“Blake! Where is Dunbar holding my family?” I asked the younger boy.

“They’re in a jail cell too but much closer to Dunbar’s office. Now, we’re on the ground floor so we need to head up.”

I nodded then whispered to myself. “Hey guys… my comms have been taken but I know you can still see where I am and what I’m doing thanks to the lenses. So hear me out carefully. Once we bust out my family. We’ll sneak out the back and once we are out in harm’s way, then Renee and Teresa can go ahead with their ambush and capture the bad guys.”

Back in the I3 HQ…

“You heard her, agents!” Ms Z exclaims to her earpiece. “Wait for Agent Robert’s boat to speed away before making the bust. Renee and Teresa will take point and give the signal for the drop.”

“Loud and clear, Aunt Z!!!” Renee says.

Ms Z turns to Patricia. “I want you to go too. Help Barbie with the extraction of her family and friends.”

A/N: It's game back on!
Barbie and her team are NOT going down easily.
So buckle up! Cause there's a fight going to go down!

Barbie: The mystery of Alliance Where stories live. Discover now